Professor, Economics Department
Managing editor, Metroeconomica
Editorial Board, Journal of Evolutionary Economics
Associate editor, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics
- Rada, C, Tavani, D., von Arnim, R. and Zamparelli, L. (forthcoming). Classical and Keynesian Models of Inequality and Stagnation. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.
Accepted, 05/12/2023.
- Rada, C., Ansel Schiavone and Von Arnim, R. (forthcoming). Goodwin, Baumol and Lewis: How structural change can lead to inequality and stagnation. Metroeconomica.
Accepted, 04/15/2022.
- Mendieta-Munoz, I., Rada, C., Ansel Schiavone and Von Arnim, R. (forthcoming). Dualism and the payroll share across US states. Regional Studies.
Accepted, 06/15/2021.
- Barrales-Ruiz, J., Mendieta-Munoz, I., Rada, C., Tavani, D., and Von Arnim, R. (forthcoming). The distributive cycle: evidence and recent debates. Journal of Economic Surveys.
Accepted, 04/04/2021.
- Mendieta-Munoz, I., Rada, C., Marcio Santetti and Von Arnim, R. (forthcoming). The US labor share of income: What shocks matter? Review of Social Economy.
Accepted, 09/03/2020.
- Azenui, B. and Rada, C. (forthcoming). Labor productivity growth and structural change in African LDCs: a Divisia index decomposition approach. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics..
Accepted, 07/28/2020.
- Mendieta-Munoz, I., Rada, C. and Von Arnim, R. (forthcoming). The decline of the U.S. labor share across sectors. Review of Income and Wealth.
Accepted, 07/02/2020.
- Mendieta-Munoz, I., Rada, C., Ansel Schiavone and Von Arnim, R. (2020). Payroll share, real wage and labor productivity across US states. INET Working Paper 121, Institute for New Economic Thinking.
Published, 04/30/2020.
- Bo, B., Zimmer, Z. and Rada, C. (2020). The structure and determinants of intergenerational support exchange flows in an Eastern European setting. Research on Aging.
Accepted, 04/21/2020.
- Kiefer, D., Mendieta-Munoz, I., Rada, C. and Von Arnim, R. (2020). Secular stagnation and income distribution dynamics. Review of Radical Political Economics, 52(2): 189-207.
Published, 04/21/2020.
- Mendieta-Munoz, I., Rada, C. and Von Arnim, R. (forthcoming). Rising inequality and dualism in the US economy: evidence and potential explanations. In Basu, D., and Das, D. (eds.), Conflict, Demand and Economic Development: Essays in Honour of Amit Bhaduri. Routledge.
Accepted, 03/20/2020.
- Mendite-Munoz, Ivan, Rada, C., Schiavone, A., and von Arnim, R. The post-war trajectory of the US labor share across sectors and states. In von Arnim, R. and Stiglitz, J. (Eds.) The Great Polarization. New York City: Columbia University Press.
Accepted, 03/13/2020.
- Arora, D. and Rada, C. (2020). Gender norms and intra-household allocation of labor in Mozambique: a CGE application to household and agricultural economics, Agricultural Economics, 51(2): 259-272.
Published, 12/05/2019.
- Mendieta-Mu~noz, I., Rada, C. and Von Arnim, R. (2019). The decline of the U.S. labor share across sectors. INET Working Paper 105, Institute for New Economic Thinking.
Published, 10/31/2019.
- Rada, C. (forthcoming). Structure and structural change in macroeconomic theory: a review of closures and sectoral dynamics. In Szirmai, A., Alcorta, L., Foster-McGregor, N., and Verspagen, B. (eds.), New Perspectives on Structural Change: Causes and Consequences of Structural Change in the Global Economy, Oxford University Press.
Accepted, 09/27/2019.
- Arora, D. and Rada, C. (2017). Time poverty and farm production: The effect of adverse shocks on labor allocation and farm output in Mozambique, Feminist Economics. 23(2): 93-119.
Published, 04/2017.
- Rada, C. (2017). Pension funding in a Keynesian model of growth, Review of Keynesian Economics, 5(1): 94-106.
Published, 01/2017.
- Rada, C. and Kiefer, D. (2016). Distribution-utilization interactions: a race to the bottom among OECD countries. Metroeconomica, 67(2): 477-498.
Published, 03/2016.
- Kiefer, D. and Rada, C. (2015). Profit maximizing goes global: the race to the bottom, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 39(5): 1333-1350.
Published, 09/30/2015.
- Zimmer, Z., Rada C. and Stoica C. (2014). Migration, Location and Provision of Support to Old-Age Parents: The Case of Romania. Journal of Population Ageing, 7:161-184.
Published, 09/2014.
- Rada, C. (2014). Another such victory and we are undone'. Addressing fallacies of reasoning in contemporary policy making, Development and Change, 45(5): 1172-1192. Article, Refereed Journal, Published, 08/2014. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/dech.12... - opens new window.
Published, 08/2014.
- Rada, C. (2014). ‘A note on growth and distribution dynamics in an economy with population aging’, inThe Political Economy of Monetary Policy and Financial Regulation: Essays in Honor of Jane D’Arista, edited by Gerald Epstein, Thomas Schlesinger, and Matías Vernengo. Cheltenham,UK, and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2014.
Published, 04/2014.
- Rada, C. and von Arnim, R (2013). India’s structural transformation and role in the world economy. Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 36(1): 1-23.
Published, 10/2013.
- Rada, C. Global Ageing in the 21st Century: Challenges, Opportunities and Implications. In McDaniel Susan A. and Zachary Zimmer (eds.), Economic Consequences of Population Aging: The Need for Sustained Productivity Growth. Ashgate Publishing.
Published, 03/2013.
- Rada, C. and von Arnim, R (2012). Structural Transformation in China and India. A note on Macroeconomic Policies. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. Vol. 23(3): 264–275.
Published, 09/2012.
- Rada, C. (2012). Social security tax and endogenous technical change in an economy with an aging population, Metroeconomica, Vol. 63(4): 727-756.
Published, 03/2012.
- von Arnim, R. and Rada, C. (2011). Labour productivity and energy use in a three-sector model: An application to Egypt.Development and Change, 42(6):1323–1348.
Published, 11/2011.
- Rada, C (2010). Formal and Informal Sectors in China and India, Economic Systems Research, Vol. 22(2): 129-153.
Published, 06/2010.
- Ocampo, JA, Rada, C. and Taylor, L. (2009). Growth and Policy in Developing Countries. Columbia University Press.
Published, 11/01/2009.
- Barbosa-Filho, N. H., von Arnim, C. R., Taylor, L., and Zamparelli, L. (2008). Cycles and trends in US net borrowing flows. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 30(4):623–648.
Published, 10/2008.
- Developing and Transition Economies in the Late 20th Century: Diverging Growth Rates, Economic Structures, and Sources of Demand’ (with Lance Taylor). In Jose Antonio Ocampo, Jomo K.S. and Rob Vos (eds.) Growth Divergences: Explaining Differences in Economic Performance, Zed Books, 2008.
Published, 2008.
- Bull-Bear Cycles in the 20th Century: Empirical Evidence and a Keynesian Model’, (with Lance Taylor). In Peter Flaschel and Michael Landesmann (eds.) Mathematical Economics and the Dynamics of Capitalism, Routledge Publishing House: London, 2008.
Published, 2008.
- Rada, C. (2007), Stagnation or transformation of a dual economy through endogenous productivity growth.Cambridge Journal of Economics, 31:711–40.
Published, 09/2007.
- Taylor, L and Rada, C (2007). Can the Poor Countries Catch up? Guarded Assessments on Mainstream Assumptions for the Early 21st Century, (with Lance Taylor) – Metroeconomica, Vol. 58(1): 127-154.
Published, 02/2007.
- Rada, C and Lance Taylor (2006). Empty Sources of Growth Accounting, and Empirical Replacements à la Kaldor with Some Beef, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Vol. 17, Issue 3, pp. 486-500, December 2006.
Published, 12/2006.
- Taylor, L. and Rada, C. (2006). Structural change, economic policy, and development. Nordic Journal of Political Economy, 32.
Published, 06/2006.
- Heterodox Business Cycles’, (with Lance Taylor and Nelson H. Barbosa-Filho), Salvadori Neri (ed.), Economic Growth and Distribution: On the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, United Kingdom: 2006.
Published, 2006.
- Structuralist Economics: Worldly Philosophers, Models, and Methodology, (with Ravi Baghirathan and Lance Taylor), Social Research, Summer 2004.
Published, 2004.
- Amit Bhaduri Festschrift Conference, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, March 2019.
Invited Talk/Keynote,
Presented, 03/22/2019.
- The Great Polarization.
Conference Paper,
Presented, 09/2018.
- UNU-WIDER, Maastricht workshop II on structural change.
Invited Talk/Keynote,
Presented, 09/2018.
- Analytical Political Economy Conference, Wesleyan University.
Invited Talk/Keynote,
Presented, 05/2018.
- UNU-WIDER, Maastricht workshop I on structural change.
Invited Talk/Keynote,
Presented, 02/2018.
- University Economic Development Association Annual Summit
Project Sustainability for the Long Haul: Engaging our Institutions and Internal Partners
Office of Economic Adjustment - US Department of Defense.
Presented, 10/02/2017.
- Analytical Political Economy workshop, Queen Mary University of London.
Invited Talk/Keynote,
Presented, 05/19/2012.
- Eastern Economic Association.
Conference Paper,
Presented, 03/09/2012.
- URPE/American Economic Association annual meeting, Chicago.
Conference Paper,
Presented, 01/2012.
- Structuralism, Development, and International Institutions, A conference in honor of Lance Taylor Arnhold Professor of International Cooperation and Development, New School for Social Research.
Conference Paper,
Presented, 10/2011.
- Economic Research Forum, 17th Annual Conference, Antalya, Turkey.
Conference Paper, Refereed,
Presented, 03/2011.
- Center on Aging Research Retreat, U of Utah, invited talk on population aging in Romania.
Invited Talk/Keynote,
Presented, 02/2011.
- Division of Geriatrics, School of Medicine, U of Utah, invited talk on population aging in Central and Eastern Europe.
Invited Talk/Keynote,
Presented, 01/2011.
Grants, Contracts & Research Gifts
PI: Codrina Rada.
Co-PI(s): Zachary Zimmer.
Center on Aging,
09/01/2010 - 08/31/2010.
Total project budget to date: $20,000.00
PI: Codrina Rada.
College of Social and Behavioral Science,
09/01/2010 - 08/31/2010.
Total project budget to date: $5,000.00
Geographical Regions of Interest