- Homel, M.A., R.M. Brannon, and J. Guilkey (2015) Controlling the Onset of Numerical Fracture in Parallelized Implementations of the Material Point Method (MPM) with Convective Particle Domain Interpolation (CPDI) Domain Scaling, Int. J. Num. Meth. in Eng., 2015. Published, 06/07/2016.
- Homel, M., J. Guilkey, and R. Brannon (2015) Continuum effective-stress approach for high-rate plastic deformation of fluid-saturated geomaterials with application to shaped-charge jet penetration Acta Mechanica, Springer Vienna, 2015, v. 227, pp. 279-310.
Published, 01/2016. - Homel, M.A., Guilkey, J., Brannon, R.M. (2015) Numerical Solution for Plasticity Models using Consistency Bisection and a Transformed-Space Closest-Point Return, Computational Mechanics. Published, 09/2015.
- Brannon, R., Huq, F. & Graham-Brady, L. (2015). An efficient binning scheme with application to statistical crack mechanics. Int. J. Num. Meth. Engr. Published, 09/2015.
- Homel, M.H. and R. M. Brannon (2015) Relaxing the Multi-Stage Nested Return Algorithm for Curved Yield Surfaces and Nonlinear Hardening Laws, Int. J. Fracture. Accepted 2015-06-15. DOI:10.1007/s10704-015-0031-4. Published, 08/2015.
- Tonge, Andrew L., Brian Leavy, Jerry LaSalvia, Brian Schuster, Rebecca Brannon, and K.T. Ramesh (2014) A quantitative approach to comparing high velocity impact experiments and simulations using XCT data, 13th Hypervelocity Impact Symposium 2014, April 27-30, Boulder Colorado, Procedia Engineering. Published, 08/2015.
- Thermostatic derivative recursion table (expressing derivatives in terms of material properties) DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2088.3042. Published, 07/16/2015.
- Huq, F., L. Graham-Brady, and R.Brannon (2015) Efficient Binning of Random Samples Applied to a Micromechanics Damage Model for Brittle Materials, Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2015, Stanford University, CA, June 16-19, 2015. Published, 05/2015.
- Strack, O. E. ., Leavy, R. B. . and Brannon, R. M. . (2015), Aleatory uncertainty and scale effects in computational damage models for failure and fragmentation. Special issue celebrating the 70th birthday of Ted Belytschko, March 25, 2014, (written in response to a publication invitation extended to Brannon). Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng, 102, pp. 468–495. Published, 05/2015.
- Pučik, T., J.A. Burghardt, and R.M. Brannon (2015) Instability and nonuniqueness induced by nonassociated plastic flow— Part 1: a case study, J. of the Mechanics of Materials and Structures. Published, 03/2015.
- Burghardt, J.A. and R.M. Brannon (2015) Instability and nonuniqueness induced by nonassociated plastic flow— Part 2: investigation of three constitutive features that eliminate or delay the Sandler-Rubin instability, J. of the Mechanics of Materials and Structures. Published, 03/2015.
- K.C. Kamojjala, R. Brannon, A. Sadeghirad, and J. Guilkey (2015) Verification tests in solid mechanics, Engineering with Computers, v. 2, pp. 193-213. Published, 03/2015.
- Brannon, R. M., A. F. Fossum, and O.E. Strack (2009) KAYENTA: Theory and User's Guide, Sandia National Laboratories [extensive revision to document thermodynamics and damage components of the model], SAND2015-0803.
Published, 02/2015. - Brannon, R.M., Leavy, R.B. & Strack, O.E. (2015). Aleatory uncertainty and scale effects in computational damage models for failure and fragmentation: ALEATORY UNCERTAINTY AND SCALE EFFECTS IN COMPUTATIONAL DAMAGE MODELS. Wiley-Blackwell. , n/a-n/a. Published, 01/2015.
- Brannon, RM and TJ Gowen. (2014) Aleatory quantile surfaces in damage mechanics. J Eur Ceram Soc., 34(11), pp. 2643-2653.
Published, 09/2014. - Kamojjala, K. and R.M. Brannon. (2014) Data relocalization to mitigate slow convergence caused by under-resolved stress fields in computational damage mechanics. J Eur Ceram Soc, 34(11) pp. 2723-2730 .
Published, 09/2014. - Sanders, A. P. and R. M. Brannon (2014) A simple surrogate test method to rank the wear performance of prospective ceramic materials under hip prosthesis edge-loading conditions. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 102B: 311-321. DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.33009. Published, 01/2014.
- Macon, D.J., R.M. Brannon, and O.E. Strack (2014) Plastic Cap Evolution Law Derived From Induced Transverse Isotropy In Dilatational Triaxial Compression, Sandia National Laboratories report # SAND2014-1217. Published, 01/2014.
- Sanders, A. P. and R. M. Brannon (2011) Assessment of the Applicability of Hertzian Contact Theory to Edge-Loaded Prosthetic Hip Bearings Journal of Biomechanics, pp. 2802-2808.
Published, 01/2014. - Kamojjala, K. and R.M. Brannon. (2014) Data relocalization to mitigate slow convergence caused by under-resolved stress fields in computational damage mechanics. J Eur Ceram Soc.
Published, 12/11/2013. - K.C. Kamojjala, R. Brannon, A. Sadeghirad, and J. Guilkey (2013) Verification tests in solid mechanics, Engineering with Computers, 1-21.
Published, 12/2013. - Sanders, AP, and RM Brannon (2013) A simple surrogate wear test for edge loading in ceramic hip prostheses. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Wiley Online Library (
Published, 12/2013. - Leavy, B., J. Clayton, O.E. Strack, R.M. Brannon, and E. Strassburger (2013) Edge on Impact Simulations and Experiments, 12th Hypervelocity Impact Symposium 2012, 16-20 September, 2012, Procedia Engineering 58 (2013) 445 – 452. Published, 12/2013.
- Sanders, A.; Tibbitts, I.; Kakarla, D.; Siskey, S.; Ochoa, J.; Ong, K. & Brannon, R. (2013) Contact-Coupled Impact of Slender Rods: Analysis and Experimental Validation Experimental Mechanics, Springer US, 1-12. Published, 12/2013.
- Bonifasi-Lista, C., R.M., Brannon, J.E. Guilkey (2013) Recent developments in Particle-Based Method for simulation of explosive blast, III International Conference on Particle-Based Methods – Fundamentals and Applications (PARTICLES 2013), September 18-20, 2013, Stuttgart, Germany. Published, 04/03/2013.
- Sadeghirad, A., R. M. Brannon, J.E. Guilkey (2013) Second-order convected particle domain interpolation (CPDI2) with enrichment for weak discontinuities at material interfaces, Int. J. Num. Meth. Engr., v. 95, 928-952. Published, 01/2013.
- Sanders, A.P., Tibbetts, I., and R.M. Brannon ( 2012) The Concomitant Evolution of Wear and Squeaking in Dual-Severity, Lubricated Wear Testing of Ceramic-on-Ceramic Hip Prostheses. Journal of Orthopedic Research. 30(9): 1377-1383.
Published, 12/2012. - Fuller, T.J. and R.M. Brannon (2012) On the effects of deformation-induced anisotropy on classical elastic-plastic materials. Int. J. Num. Anal. Meth. in Geomechanics. 37(5). pp. 1079-1094. Published, 12/2012.
- Sanders, A.P., P. Dudhiya, and R.M. Brannon (2012) Thin Hard Crest on the Edge of Ceramic Acetabular Liners Accelerates Wear in Edge Loading, Brief Communication, J. Arthroplasticy , doi:10.1016/j.arth.2011.08.012.
Published, 12/2012. - Burghardt, J. A. and R. M. Brannon (2012) A nonlocal plasticity formulation for the material point method. International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science & Mechanics (CMES). Published, 03/2012.
- Meyer, H. W., Jr. and R. M. Brannon (2012) A model for statistical variation of fracture properties in a continuum mechanics code. Int. J. of Impact Engineering, v. 42. pp. 48-58.
Published, 01/2012. - Sanders, A.P., P. Dudhiya, and R.M. Brannon (2012) Thin Hard Crest on the Edge of Ceramic Acetabular Liners Accelerates Wear in Edge Loading, Brief Communication, J. Arthroplasticy, doi:10.1016/j.arth.2011.08.012.
Published, 11/2011. - Sanders, A., Tibbitts, I., Kakarla, D., Siskey, S., Ochoa, J., Ong, K., and Brannon, R. (2011) Contact mechanics of impacting slender rods: measurement and analysis, SEM Annual Conference, Uncasville, CT, June 13-16, 2011. Published, 06/2011.
- Fuller, T.J. and R.M. Brannon. On the thermodynamic requirement of elastic stiffness anisotropy in isotropic materials. Int. J. Eng. Sci. 79, pp. 311-321.
Published, 01/26/2011. - Sadeghirad, A., R. M. Brannon, et al. (2011) A convected particle domain interpolation technique to extend applicability of the material point method for problems involving massive deformations, Int. J. Numer. Meth. in Engr., vol 86(12), pp. 1435-1456.
Published, 01/10/2011. - Sanders, A. P. and R. M. Brannon (2011) Determining a Surrogate Contact Couple in a Hertzian Contact Problem, Int. J. Tribology—Transactions of the ASME, v. 133(2), pp. [024502-]1-6. Published, 01/2011.
- Brannon, R. M., K.C. Kamojjala, et al. (2011) Establishing credibility of particle methods through verification testing. Particles 2011, E. Oñate and D.R.J. Owen (Eds). Published, 01/2011.
- Sadeghirad, A. and R. M. Brannon, et al. (2011) Enriched convected particle domain interpolation (CPDI) method for analyzing weak discontinuities. Particles 2011, E. Oñate and D.R.J. Owen (Eds). Published, 01/2011.
- Fuller, T.J., R. Brannon, et al. (2010) Inclusion of thermodynamic considerations in Kayenta, Sandia National Laboratories. SAND2010-4687.
Published, 07/2010. - Leavy, B., R. M. Brannon, Strack, O.E. The Use of Sphere Indentation Experiments to Characterize Ceramic Damage Models. Int. J. Applied Ceramic Technology.
Published, 02/2010. - Burghardt, J. A., B. Leavy, J.E. Guilkey, Z. Xue, R. Brannon (2010) Application of Uintah-MPM to shaped charge jet penetration of aluminum. 9th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 10.
Published, 01/2010. - Leavy, B., O. E. Strack, R.M. Brannon, R. Jensen, J. Houskamp Simulation of Experimental Variability with Spatially Heterogeneous Models. SEM Annual Conference, June 1-4, Albuquerque, NM, Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc. Published, 12/2009.
- Brannon, R. M. and S. Leelavanichkul (2009). Survey of four damage models for concrete, Sandia National Laboratories, final revisions June, 2009. [vigorously reviewed government report]. Published, 12/2009.
- Brannon, R.M. and S. Leelavanichkul (2009) Multi-stage Return Algorithm for Solving the Classical Damage Component of Constitutive Models for Rocks, Ceramics, and Other Rock-like Media, Int. J. Fracture, DOI 10.1007/s10704-009-9398-4.
Published, 09/08/2009. - Brannon, R. M., A. F. Fossum, et al. (2009) KAYENTA: Theory and User's Guide, Sandia National Laboratories, SAND2009-2282.
Published, 03/2009. - A. G. Neeman, Rebecca Brannon, Boris Jeremić, Allen Van Gelder, Alex Pang (2008) Decomposition and Visualization of Fourth-Order Elastic-Plastic Tensors, Volume and Point-Based Graphics 2008, Ed. H.-C. Hege, August 2008, pp. 121-128. Published, 12/2008.
- Brannon, R. M. and J. A. Burghardt (2008). Experimental Assessment of Unvalidated Assumptions in Classical Plasticity Theory, Sandia National Laboratories Report (four peer reviews). Published, 2008.
Research Statement
- Accuracy/stability/efficiency of plasticity models
- Damage and failure (stability analysis, statistical uncertainty, size effects, and mesh-dependence)
- Poroelasticity and poroplasticity
- Penetration and perforation
- Rock mechanics
- Shock-induced tunnel collapse
- Shock-induced depolarization of ferroelectrics
- Deformation-induced anisotropy
- Effect of anisotropy on boundary conditions and solvers in finite-element methods
- Homogenized models for composites
- Continuum kinematics for large distortions with applications in biomechanics of calluses
- Kinematics of large rotations
- Statistical crack mechanics
- Curvilinear and Cartesian tensor analysis
- Finite-difference/finite-element/particle-method transient dynamics
- Particle methods for simulating large deformation and/or complicated geometries
- Efficient point sampling methods for higher dimensional spaces
- Dynamic strength modeling
- Visualization of tensor fields
- Tools for verification and validation of constitutive models
- Thermodynamic dissipation under large deformation
- Mesoscale modeling of heterogeneous media as a tool for developing improved macroscale models
- Frame indifference and alternatives to objective rates in finite deformation Hypervelocity impact diagnostics for strength and equation of state (EOS) modeling
- Shock-induced vaporization of metals
- Accelerated installation and maintenance of material models in multiple codes
- Thermodynamics of shocks
- Reliability of simulations
- Alternatives to upwind differencing for advection-diffusion problems
- Use of X-ray computed tomography (XCT) in validation
- Wear characteristics of ceramic-on-ceramic hip replacements
Research Keywords
- Tensor Analysis
- Material Point Method
- Large Deformation Kinematics
- Damage and fracture
- Continuum Mechanics
- Brannon, R.M. (2016) MIG Seminar: A scale‐bridging binning method that replicates perturbations from millions of microscale heterogeneities for simulations at the ‘nearly continuum’ scale, October 20, 2016, University of Illinois MIG Seminar, (invited).
Invited Talk/Keynote,
Presented, 10/20/2016. - Leavy, R. B., R.M. Brannon, and J.E. Guilkey (2016) A convected particle tetrahedral domain integration technique for the material point method, Isogeometric Analysis and Meshfree Methods, Oct. 10-12, San Diego, CA.
Invited Talk/Keynote,
Presented, 10/2016. - Brannon, R.M., O.E. Strack, and B. Leavy (2015) Aleatory uncertainty and scale effects in computational damage mechanics, CERMODEL 2015, July 2-3, 2015, Trento, Italy. (invited). Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 07/2015.
- Tonge, Andrew L., Brian Leavy, Jerry LaSalvia, Brian Schuster, Rebecca Brannon, and K.T. Ramesh (2015) A quantitative approach to comparing high velocity impact experiments and simulations using XCT data, 13th Hypervelocity Impact Symposium 2015, April 27-30, Boulder Colorado, Procedia Engineering. Other, Presented, 04/2015.
- Huq, F., L. Graham-Brady, and R. Brannon (2015) Modeling dynamic brittle failure using efficiently binned crack families, MACH conference, April 8‐10, 2015, Annapolis, MD. Other, Presented, 03/2015.
- Huq, F., L. Graham-Brady, and R. Brannon (2015) Efficient Binning of Random Samples Applied to a Micromechanics Damage Model for Brittle Materials, Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2015, Stanford University, CA, June 16-19, 2015. Other, Accepted, 03/2015.
- Lori Graham-Brady, Farah Huq, Junwei Liu, and Rebecca Brannon (2015) Efficient implementation of a strain-rate dependent constitutive relationship for ceramics, 29th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Jan 25-30, 2015, Daytona Beach, FL, USA. Other, Presented, 01/2015.
- Brannon, R.M. (2014) Deficiencies in overlapping support of CPDI particle basis functions without loss of partition of unity or loss of convergence, 8th Annual MPM workshop, March 9, 2014, Oregon State University, OR. (invited). Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 09/25/2014.
- Huq, F., R.M. Brannon, and L. Graham-Brady (2014) Initialization of Statistical Crack Properties in Continuum-Scale Domains , Continuum Models Discrete Systems -13, July 21-25, 2014, Salt Lake City, UT (invited). Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 07/2014.
- Brannon, R.M. (2014) An Introduction to the Material Point Method (MPM) with Applications to Penetration and Blast Loading, Distinguished Lecture Series, 2 hour talk. Expenses paid. (invited). Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/26/2014.
- Ghodrati, E., H. Sarmadi, and R.M Brannon (2014) A continuum representation for soil disaggregation with subsequent recompression to model blast effects, 17th U.S. National Congress on Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, June 15-20, 2014, Michigan State University. Other, Presented, 06/2014.
- K.C. Kamojjala and R.M. Brannon (2014) Data relocalization to accelerate convergence for failure initiation statistics in problems with known stress concentrations, Las Vegas, Nevada, May 7-9, 2014. Other, Presented, 05/2014.
- S. Schmidt, J. Guilkey, and R.M. Brannon (2014) Instability in Some Large-Shear Problems Solved with the Material Point Method, Verification and Validation Symposium, Las Vegas, Nevada, May 7-9. Other, Presented, 05/2014.
- Brannon, R.M., K.C. Kamojjala, J. Burghardt, M. Homel, and T. Gowan (2014) Aleatory Uncertainty in Constitutive Models: microphysical insight converted to practical engineering mechanics software. Johns Hopkins S14 Mechanical Engineering Seminar Series (530.804), Baltimore MD, March 13, 2014 (invited, expenses paid through sabbatical visiting-faculty stipend). Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 03/13/2014.
- Brannon, R.M. and J. Burghardt (2014) Two questions for crystal plasticity researchers: (1) Is classical non-associative plasticity intrinsically flawed because of achronicity? (2) Do elastic and plastic texture tensors have common eigenprojectors? Johns Hopkins Civil Engineering meeting of Research Group of Somnath Ghosh, Baltimore MD, March 13, 2014 (invited, expenses paid through sabbatical visiting-faculty stipend). Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 03/2014.
- Brannon, R.M. (2013) Some recent advances in the Material Point Method for high-rate large-deformation penetration and blast loading. MMEC Distinguished Seminar Series, Massachususetts Institutute of Technology, October 1, 2013, Cambridge MA (invited, expenses paid by host). Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 10/01/2013.
- Bonifasi-Lista, C., R.M., Brannon, and J.E. Guilkey (2013) Recent developments in Particle-Based Method for simulation of explosive blast, 3rd. Conference on Particle-Based Methods (PARTICLES 2013), September 18-20, 2013, Stuttgart, Germany. Other, Presented, 09/18/2013.
- Brannon, R.M. (2013) An extended list of questions in macroscale constitutive modeling answerable through micromechanical analysis, HEMI Seminar, Johns Hopkins University, Aug. 13, 2013 Baltimore, MD (invited). Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 08/13/2013.
- Colovos, James W., Michael A. Homel, and Rebecca M. Brannon (2013) Numerical Fracture in the Material Point Method with Convective Particle Domain Interpolation, USNCCM12, July 22-25, 2013, Raleigh, North Carolina. Other, Presented, 07/22/2013.
- K. Kamojjala, R. M. Brannon (2013) Alternative Stress Field Regularization to Preserve Probabilities of Failure Initiation: A Case Study, CERMODEL2013 Modeling And Simulation Meet Innovation In Ceramics Technology, Trento, Italy, July 10-12. Other, Presented, 07/10/2013.
- R. M. Brannon and T. Gowen (2013) Strength Perturbations and Scale Effects due to Aleatory Uncertainty in Crack Orientations. CERMODEL 2013: Modeling and Simulation meet Innovation in Ceramics Technology, July 10-12, 2013, Trento-Italy. Other, Presented, 07/10/2013.
- Regueiro, R., R. Pak, J. McCartney, Stein Sture, B. Yan, Z. Duan, J. Svoboda, S. li, B. Ren, K. Alshibli, A. Druckrey, H. Lu, R. Brannon, C. Bonifasi-Lista, A. Yarahmadi, E. Ghodrati, and J. Colovos (2013) ONR MURI Project on Soil Blast Modeling and Simulation. SEM 2013 Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, June 3-6, 2013, Lombard, IL. Other, Presented, 06/03/2013.
- A. Yarahmadi, R.M. Brannon, and C. Bonifasi-Lista (2013) Dynamic Behavior of Saturated Soil under Buried Explosive Loading. SEM 2013 Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, June 3-6, 2013, Lombard, IL. Other, Presented, 06/03/2013.
- K. Kamojjala, J. M. Lacy, and R. M. Brannon (2013) Effects of Statistical Variability of Strength and Scale Effects on the Convergence of Unnotched Charpy and Taylor Anvil Impact Simulations, Verification and Validation Symposium, Las Vegas, Nevada, May 22-24 . Other, Presented, 05/22/2013.
- Homel, M., R.M. Brannon (2013) Numerical Fracture in the Material Point Method with Convective Particle Domain Interpolation”) Salt Lake City, UT (best presentation award). Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/2013.
- Brannon, R.M. and A. Sadeghirad (2013) Deformation and Fracture of Heterogeneous Media using Boundary-Conforming Convected Particle Characteristic Functions in the Material Point Method. “Critical Assessment of the State of the Art Mechanics and Computational Methods for Predicting Fracture and Failure of Solids and Structures” in honor of Prof. Ted Belytschko’s 70th birthday. April 19, 2013, Northwestern University. (invited). Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 04/19/2013.
- Brannon, R.M., E. Ghodradi, and C. Bonifasi-Lista (2013) A comparison of DEM sand blast simulations with lower fidelity (less expensive) continuum models using MPM, 3rd. Conference on Particle-Based Methods (PARTICLES 2013), September 18-20, 2013, Stuttgart, Germany. Other, Presented, 03/2013.
- Brannon, R.M., B. Banerjee, C. Bonifasi, A. Yarahmadi, and E. Ghodrati (2013) Simulation of buried explosives using recent advances in the Material Point Method, Advances in Computational Mechanics: A Conference Celebrating the 70th Birthday of Thomas J.R. Hughes, February 24-27, 2013, San Diego, CA. (KEYNOTE). Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 02/2013.
- A. Yarahmadi, R. Brannon, C. Bonifasi-Lista (2013) A thermoplastic constitutive modeling and geotechnical centrifuge simulation of partially saturated soil under buried explosive loading, ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition San Diego, California, November 2013. Other, Presented, 01/2013.
- Sanders, AP, and RM Brannon (2013) A simple surrogate wear test for edge loading in ceramic hip prostheses, Poster No. 1031, Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, January 26-29, 2013.
Presented, 01/2013. - Brannon, R.M., A. Yarahmadi, and C. Bonifasi-Lista (2013) Dynamic Behavior of Saturated Soil under Buried Explosive Loading. SEM 2013 Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, June 3-6, 2013, Lombard, IL. (accepted) Other, Accepted, 12/2012.
- Krishna Kamojjala, Jeffery M. Lacy, and Rebecca M. Brannon (2013) Effects of Statistical Variability of Strength and Scale Effects on the Convergence of Unnotched Charpy and Taylor Anvil Impact Simulations, Verification and Validation Symposium, Las Vegas, Nevada, May 22-24 (accepted). Other, Accepted, 12/2012.
- Leavy, B., J. Clayton, O.E. Strack, R.M. Brannon, and E. Strassburger (2012) Edge on Impact Simulations and Experiments, 12th Hypervelocity Impact Symposium 2012, 16-20 September, 2012. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 10/2012.
- Brannon, R. and K. Kamojjala (2012) Questions in macroscale constitutive modeling that might be answered through mesoscale simulations, International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials (IWCMM) XXII, Sept. 24-26, 2012, Baltimore, MD. (KEYNOTE). Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 10/2012.
- Leavy, B., J. D. Clayton, T.J. Fuller, R.M. Brannon (2012) The use of mesoscale simulations to inform a macroscale ceramic model for aluminum oxynitride, International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials (IWCMM) XXII, Sept. 24-26, 2012, Baltimore, MD. Other, Presented, 10/2012.
- Leavy, B., J. Clayton, O.E. Strack, R.M.Brannon, and E. Strassburger (2012) Edge on Impact Simulations and Experiments, 12th Hypervelocity Impact Symposium 2012, 16-20 September 2012, Baltimore, MD. Other, Presented, 10/2012.
- Kamojjala, K.C., M.S. Swan, and R.M. Brannon (2012) Validation of Strain-Based Failure Models Using Unnotched Charpy Tests, 2012 ASME Verification and Validation Symposium, May 2-4, Las Vegas, NV. Other, Presented, 05/2012.
- Kamojjala, K. and R.M. Brannon (2012) Verification and Validation in Solid Mechanics. SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Raleigh, NC. April 2-4, 2012. (invited) Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 04/2012.
- Tibbitts, I.B., A.P. Sanders, and R.M. Brannon (2012) Wear alters the dynamics of a ceramic hip wear test with edge loading, Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Feb. 4-7, 2012. Other, Presented, 02/2012.
- Burghardt, J. and R.M. Brannon (2012) Nonuniqueness and instability of classical formulations of nonassociative plasticity: nontraditional plasticity models and the Sandler-Rubin instability. International Symposium on Plasticity and Its Current Applications 2012, Jan. 3-8, 2012, San Juan, Puerto Rico. (KEYNOTE). Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 01/2012.
- Leavy, B., J. Clayton, O.E. Strack, R.M.Brannon, and E. Strassburger (2012) Edge on Impact Simulations and Experiments, 12th Hypervelocity Impact Symposium 2012, 16-20 September 2012. Other, Accepted, 01/2012.
- Kamojjala, K. and R.M. Brannon (2012) Verification and Validation in Solid Mechanics. SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Raleigh, NC. April 2-4, 2012. (invited) .
Invited Talk/Keynote,
Accepted, 12/2011. - Brannon, R. M., K.C. Kamojjala, et al. (2011) Establishing credibility of particle methods through verification testing. Particles 2011. International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain, ECCOMAS Special Interest Conference. Conference Paper, Refereed, Accepted, 10/26/2011.
- 91. Sadeghirad, A. and R. M. Brannon, et al. (2011) Enriched convected particle domain interpolation (CPDI) method for analyzing weak discontinuities. Particles 2011. International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain, ECCOMAS Special Interest Conference. Conference Paper, Refereed, Accepted, 10/26/2011.
- Brannon, R.M. and K.C. Kamojjala (2011) Verification of computational constitutive models using the method of manufactured solutions, Workshop on Verification and Validation in Computational Science, University of Notre Dame, October 17-19. Other, Presented, 10/2011.
- Kamojjala, K. C. and R.M. Brannon (2010) Verification of frame indifference for complicated numerical constitutive models. ASME Early Career Technical Conference (ECTC) Mar 31st - Apr 2nd, 2011 - Fayetteville, AR Fayetteville, AR.
Presented, 10/2011. - Kakarla, D.. A.P. Sanders, S. Siskey, K. Ong, N. Ames, J.O. Ochoa, and R.M. Brannon (2012) Modeling, Testing, and Analysis of Impulse Response of Femoral Head Reduction in Ceramic Hip Prostheses, Poster No. 2076, Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Feb. 4-7, 2012. Other, Accepted, 10/2011.
- Brannon, R. M., K.C. Kamojjala, et al. (2011) Establishing credibility of particle methods through verification testing. Particles 2011. International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain, ECCOMAS Special Interest Conference, Oct. 26-28, 2011.
Presented, 10/2011. - Sadeghirad, A. and R. M. Brannon, et al. (2011) Enriched convected particle domain interpolation (CPDI) method for analyzing weak discontinuities. Particles 2011. International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain, ECCOMAS Special Interest Conference.
Presented, 10/2011. - Sanders, A. and R.M. Brannon (2012) Scaled Surrogate Hertzian Bearing Pairs for Contact and Wear Testing, Poster 2070, Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Feb. 4-7, 2012. Other, Accepted, 10/2011.
- Brannon, R.M. (2011) The sleazy side of bang-n-splat: verification and validation of blast, impact, and penetration, Banquet speaker for the 14th International Symposium on Interaction of the Effects of Munitions with Structures, Seattle, WA, Sept. 19-23, 2011. (BANQUET SPEAKER, expenses paid by host). Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 09/2011.
- Brannon, R.M. (2011) Verification and Validation of computational models for shaped charge jet completion of well bores in fluid saturated sandstone. 17th Topical Conference on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter, June 26-July1, Chicago Illinois. Invited Talk/Keynote, Accepted, 06/26/2011.
- Burghardt, J.A. and R.M. Brannon (2011) A method for solving the equations of nonlocal plasticity using the material point method. Sixth M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. June 15-17. Conference Paper, Refereed, Accepted, 06/15/2011.
- Brannon, R.M. (2011) Verification and Validation of computational models for shaped charge jet completion of well bores in fluid saturated sandstone. 17th biannual APS Topical Conference on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter, June 26-July1, 2011, Chicago Illinois. (invited). Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/2011.
- Burghardt, J.A. and R.M. Brannon (2011) A method for solving the equations of nonlocal plasticity using the material point method. Sixth M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. June 15-17. Other, Presented, 06/2011.
- Brannon,R.M., A.Sadeghirad, and J. Guilkey (2011) Enriched Convected Particle Domain Interpolation (CPDI) Method for Analyzing Weak Discontinuities, Distinguished Seminar, Los Alamos National Laboratories, May 17, 2011. (invited). Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/2011.
- Brannon, R. M. (2010) A Homogenized Rock-Joint (Fault) Formulation for Computational Material Models. DTRA workshop on Ground Shock in Faulted Media, Jan 11, 2010, Washington, DC. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 01/11/2011.
- Sanders, A. P. and R. M. Brannon (2010) Bearing Materials of Next-Generation Orthopaedic Implants, University of Utah Materials Science Seminar Series (invited). Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 12/2010.
- Sadeghirad, A., R. M. Brannon, and J. Burghardt (2010) Convected particle domain interpolation (CPDI), 6th Annual MPM workshop, Albuquerque, NM. Aug. 9, 2010 (invited lead-off presentation).
Invited Talk/Keynote,
Presented, 08/2010. - Sadeghirad, A., R. M. Brannon, et al. (2010) Convected particle domain interpolation (CPDI), 6th Annual MPM workshop, Albuquerque, NM. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/2010.
- =Brannon, R. M. (2009) Theoretical and computational challenges in blast loading and penetration of geological materials, American Physical Society – Shock Compression of Condensed Matter Symposium, June 29-July3, Nashville, TN (PLENARY). Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/29/2009.
- [PLENARY] Brannon, R. M. (2009) Theoretical and computational challenges in blast loading and penetration of geological materials, American Physical Society – Shock Compression of Condensed Matter Symposium, June 29-July3, Nashville, TN [PLENARY] . Invited Talk/Keynote, Other, 2009.
- Brannon, R. M. and S. Leelavanichkul (2008) Current studies in geologic material models: Formulation and numerical implementation. 79th Shock and Vibration Symposium. Orlando, FL. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/2008.
- Neeman, A., R. Brannon, B.Jeremic, A. Van Gelder, A. Pang (2008) Decomposition and Visualization of Fourth Order Elastic-Plastic Tensor, IEEE/EG International Symposium on Volume Graphics Conference 2008. Conference Paper, Other, 2008.
Geographical Regions of Interest
- Australia and New Zealand
Interest in the Material Point Method appears to be on the rise in numerous institutions in Australia. - France
France has several good research groups working on data delocalization and other aspects of aleatory uncertainty and scale effects in failure modeling. - Germany
Researchers at EMI in Germany are experts in high-speed imaging of dynamic crack growth. - Italy
A strong academic association is being formed with the well-known mechanics researcher Davide Bigoni, who has recruited my former UG and MS student (Scot Swan) for a distinguished full fellowship. - Spain
Spain is a leader in particle methods in computational mechanics.
Software Titles
- Arenisca geomechanics constitutive model. An opensource model for saturated or unsaturated sandstone in high-rate loading. Release Date: 12/2014. Inventors: M. Homel, R.Brannon, A. Sadeghirad, J. Colovos, J. Guilkey. Distribution List: opensource.
- Uintah MPM libraries for convected particle domain interpolation and geomechanics. New "domain freezing" and effective stress features in the Uintah computational framework for geomechanics (and similar) plasticity modeling. Release Date: 12/2013. Inventors: Homel, M., Sadeghirad, A., Guilkey, J., and Brannon, R.M. Distribution List: Open source.
- Kayenta F90 (with model drivers). Generalized plasticity model applicable to high-rate large deformation of geomaterials, ceramics, or brittle metals, updated to F90 and supplemented with drivers for single-element testing and portable implementation python scripts . Release Date: 12/2013. Inventors: Brannon, R.M., Fossum, A.F., Fuller, T.J., and Strack, O.E. Distribution List: Department of Energy.
- Kayenta. Geomechanics software. Release Date: 12/2012. Inventors: R. Brannon, O.E. Strack, A.F. Fossum. Distribution List: DOE labs and Schlumberger.
- Arenisca. A numerical effective stress elastic-plastic damage model for sandstone. Release Date: 12/2012. Inventors: R.M.Brannon, M. Homel, A. Sadeghirad, J. Colovos. Distribution List: Schlumberger and a limited capability version to opensource Uintah.
- Kayenta constitutive model. Updates and enhancements to the general-purpose Kayenta plasticity model. Release Date: 12/2010. Inventors: Fossum, A.; Brannon, R.M.; Fuller, T.J.; Burghardt, J.A.
- CPDI enhancements to Uintah. Convected particle domain interpolation (CPDI) enhancement to the Uintah framework. Release Date: 12/2010. Inventors: Sadeghirad, A.; Brannon, R.M.; Burghardt, J.A.; Guilkey, J. Distribution List: Open source. Specifically delivered to researchers in Australia, who are now using it to model high-rate penetration of soil.
- Kayenta. General purpose computational plasticity model with emphasis on high-rate damage for geomechanics applications, armor ceramics, and metals. Release Date: 2009. Inventors: Brannon, R.M., A.F. Fossum, and O.E. Strack.