Associate Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering
Professional Service
- Computer Science Graduate Fellowship (CSGF).
Role: reviewer.
Screen approximately 40 applications for prestigious computational science award.
10/2016 - 11/2016
- Johns Hopkins Extreme Materials Institutute.
Role: organizer.
Review abstracts, solicit speakers, etc. for MACH conference.
03/2014 - 12/2015
- various journals.
Role: Manuscript reviews.
Manuscript reviews.
01/2014 - 12/2014
- Department of Energy.
Role: Reviewer.
CSGF Fellowship application reviews.
01/2014 - 02/2014
- Idaho National Laboratory.
Role: reviewer.
External review of career accomplishments for an INL technical staff member (required for promotion).
10/21/2013 - 10/21/2013
- Reaction Engineering International.
Role: Consultant.
Provided unpaid consulting on status of constitutive models and momentum solvers in Uintah.
10/2013 - 11/2013
- International Particles 2013 conference.
Role: Session chair.
Session chair.
09/2013 - 09/2013
- Journal of Engineering Mechanics.
Role: reviewer.
Assess a model for granular mechanics.
06/2013 - 06/2013
- 7th Material Point Method Workshop.
Role: Host and organizer.
Bring together scholars from across the nation for focused two-day workshop.
01/01/2013 - 03/16/2013
- Finite Elements In Design.
Role: Reviewer.
10/2012 - 11/2012
- International Journal of Impact Engineering.
Role: Reviewer.
07/2012 - 08/2012
- JoMMS.
Role: Reviewer.
07/2012 - 08/2012
- Journal Of Applied Sciences.
Role: Reviewer.
03/2012 - 04/2012
- National Science Foundation.
Role: panel member.
Proposal review.
02/22/2012 - 02/23/2012
- International Plasticity Conference.
Role: Chair.
Symposium organizer.
01/2012 - 12/2012
- Hypervelocity Impact Symposium.
Role: organizing committee member.
Sort abstracts.
12/2011 - 02/2012
- International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering -- Barcelona, Spain.
Session chair (two sessions).
10/26/2011 - 10/28/2011
- Krell institute.
Role: application reviewer.
Second-tier review of applications for the prestigious DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship.
01/27/2011 - 02/10/2011
- Krell institute.
Role: Volunteer reviewer.
Review 650 applications for the Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (CSGF) program.
10/21/2010 - 12/31/2011
- Cambridge .
Role: Paid proposal reviewer ($300.00).
Review of proposal for a continuum mechanics textbook with emphasis on nonlinear constitutive models, especially for biological media.
10/13/2010 - 11/01/2010
Accredit a never-before accredited Mechanical Engineering program in Chihuahua, Mexico.
08/01/2010 - 11/20/2010
Role: reviewer.
Manuscript review of proposed new standard: "Primer on verification and validation".
05/12/2010 - 11/15/2010
- ASME Commission on Engineering Accreditation (CEA).
Role: member.
Review ABET visit reports for consistent application of the ABET and ASME criteria, comment on proposed changes to the criteria.
01/01/2010 - 12/31/2010
Honors & Awards
- Top 15% teaching recognition.
University of Utah,
- Best paper award (free license to MPM-sim software) .
7th MPM workshop,
- Nominated to receive an international travel and accommodation award for a one-month visit to the University of Queensland Brisbane.
Australian Research Council (ARC),
- Named ASME Fellow. See http://files.asme.org/asmeorg/Governance/Honors/Fellows/31094.pdf.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
- Named ASME fellow.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME),
- Invited to participate on National Academies study committee on “Opportunities in Protection Materials Science and Technology for Future Army Applications”, 11/10/2009.
National Academies,
Internal Service
- RPT evaluation of Dr. Brittany Coats.
Peer teaching review,
03/10/2015 - 03/10/2015.
College service.
- Preparation for ABET accreditation visit.
committee chair,
01/2015 - 11/2015.
Department service.
- Distinguished Seminar by Johns Hopkins professor KT Ramesh.
11/20/2014 - 11/21/2014.
Department service.
- Five-year tenure review committee.
08/2014 - 05/2015.
Department service.
- Mech. Engr. ABET committee.
01/2014 - 12/2014.
Department service.
- Mechanics division committee.
01/2014 - 12/2014.
Department service.
- Executive committee.
01/2014 - 12/2014.
Department service.
01/2014 - 12/2014.
College service.
- Faculty searches (review applications, interview, etc.).
search member,
01/2014 - 12/2014.
Department service.
- Strategic planning committee.
01/2014 - 08/2014.
Department service.
- Holiday Faculty Party.
12/11/2013 - 12/14/2013.
Department service.
- Exit exam -- continuum mechanics.
04/15/2013 - 04/15/2013.
Department service.
- Peer teaching review (Monson).
03/21/2013 - 03/22/2013.
Department service.
- Research overview for Dean and his PR advisory committee.
information provider,
02/08/2013 - 02/09/2013.
College service.
- Saving UINTAH: provided usage data, funding data, and publication data supporting a white paper developed by the Computer Science Department aimed at maintaining funding for the Uintah computational framework.
data provider,
02/2013 - 03/2013.
College service.
- ABET committee.
01/2013 - 12/2013.
Department service.
- Graduate committee.
01/2013 - 12/2013.
Department service.
- Solid Mechanics Strategic Planning Committee.
05/2012 - 12/2012.
Department service.
- Distinguished Seminar Host for Prof. Dave Benson (UCSD).
Organizer for Seminar Committee,
03/2012 - 04/2012.
Department service.
- Monitor ABET activities and continuual improvement. Alert chair and faculty to potential shortcomings under the current criteria.
01/2012 - 12/2012.
Department service.
- Provide research overview to COE development and marketing committee members.
Information provider and presenter,
01/2012 - 02/2012.
College service.
- Solid Mechanics Search Committee.
09/2011 - 05/2012.
Department service.
- Seminar Committee.
Personally hosted two new distinguished seminar speakers,
01/2011 - 12/2011.
Department service.
- ABET committee.
01/2011 - 12/2011.
Department service.
- Graduate Committee.
01/2011 - 12/2011.
Department service.
- Seminar committee. Personally recommended and hosted two of the distinguished speakers.
01/2010 - 12/2010.
Department service.
- Posted tutorials about solid mechanics in the CSM website, one of which earned a message of appreciation from a national laboratory.
01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016
- Meet-and-greet with high-school girls to foster interest in engineering. Date approximate.
05/2013 - 06/2013
- Brownbag lunch meet and greet with high school girls to foster interest in engineering. Date approximate.
09/2012 - 10/2012
In the Media