Sebastian W. Hoch portrait
  • Adjunct Associate Professor, Atmospheric Sciences

Professional Service

  • CMA-COMET. Role: Lecturer. Mountain Weather Course 2019. On behalf of the Chinese Meteorological Agency (CMA) and The COMET® Program, I was invited to the 2018 CMA-COMET Mountain Weather Course -- a residence course in Boulder, CO to train the next Winter Olympic Games forecasters. I was invited to present 2 talks about Thermally-driven Winds and Dynamically-driven Winds. 09/23/2019 - 03/24/2020
  • CMA-COMET. Mountain Weather Course 2018. Role: Lecturer. On behalf of the Chinese Meteorological Agency (CMA) and The COMET® Program, I was invited to the 2018 CMA-COMET Mountain Weather Course -- a residence course in Boulder, CO to train the next Winter Olympic Games forecasters. I was invited to present 2 talks about Thermally-driven Winds and Dynamically-driven Winds. 11/27/2018 - present
  • KMA-COMET Mountain Weather Course 2015. Role: Lecturer. On behalf of the Korean Meteorological Agency (KMA) and The COMET® Program, I was invited to the 2015 KMA-COMET Mountain Weather Course -- a residence course in Boulder, CO to train the next Winter Olympic Games forecasters. I was invited to present 2 talks about Thermally-driven Winds and Dynamically-driven Winds. 09/16/2015 - 09/16/2015
  • KMA-COMET Mountain Weather Course 2014. Role: Lecturer 8 hours of presentation. On behalf of the Korean Meteorological Agency (KMA) and The COMET® Program, I was invited to the 2014 KMA-COMET Mountain Weather Course -- a residence course in Boulder, CO to train the next Winter Olympic Games forecasters. I was invited to present 2 talks about Thermally-driven Winds and Dynamically-driven Winds. 10/01/2014 - 10/01/2014