RAMESH GOEL portrait
  • Professor, Civil And Environmental Engin
  • Graduate Director, Civil And Environmental Engin
  • Associate Professor, Civil And Environmental Engin

Professional Service

  • Chemosphere. Role: Editor. Handling manuscripts. 09/01/2023 - 08/17/2026
  • Environmental Engineering Science Journal. Role: Editor. Handling MAnuscript. 01/01/2023 - 01/01/2026
  • Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters. Role: Editor. Handling manuscripts. 01/01/2023 - 01/01/2026
  • Frontiers in Microbiology. Role: Review editor. •Review Editor: Frontiers in Microbiology: September 2022- current. 01/01/2023 - 01/01/2025
  • Frontiers in Microbiology. Role: Guest Editor. Guest Editor-Microbiome. 01/01/2023 - 12/31/2023
  • Frontiers in Microbiology. Role: Guest Editor. Guest Editor. 01/01/2023 - 12/31/2023
  • USANC. Chair. 01/01/2022 - 12/31/2023
  • United States Association National Conferences. Role: Vice Chair. Vice Chair. 01/01/2020 - 11/30/2022
  • College of Engineering- University of Utah. Role: Chair. Chair- Academic misconduct committee. 08/15/2018 - 07/14/2021
  • WEFTEC. Research Symposium Committee member. 02/08/2018 - 02/21/2029
  • AEESP. Committee member. 02/01/2018 - 02/28/2025
  • National Science Foundation. Role: Panelist and reviewer. Served on 7 different panels. 01/01/2018 - present
  • Civil & Environmental Engineering. Role: Chair. RPT Chair. 01/01/2018 - present
  • Several Journal Papers. Reviewed more than 60 papers for more than 20 different journals of highest quality. 01/01/2018 - present
  • Water Research. Role: Associate Editor. Arrange and manage reviews. 11/26/2015 - present
  • Engineering Conferences International. Role: Affiliated member. This committee oversees all international engineering conference around the globe. 10/22/2015 - present
  • IWA-USANC. Role: Secretary and treasurer. The role of this important committee is to bring and organize IWA conferences in the US. This is very important committee. We meet through Skype every month. 09/17/2015 - present
  • NAtional Science Foundation. Served on Five different panels. 03/11/2015 - present
  • WEFTEC-Research Symposium Chair. Managing more than 300 abstracts under Research theme, managing a committee of 20 people, appointing committee members, putting abstracts together, arranging scores, putting the plan together, AEESP Lecture and AEESP Luncheon speakers selection. This service is year around with high intensity from December until March. 01/08/2015 - 01/15/2019
  • Water Environment Association of Utah. Role: Engineering Chair and Pre-conferenc workshop Chair. Organize engineering workshop, preconference workshop, invite national speakers. 01/01/2015 - present
  • WEFTEC. Role: Chair-Research Symposium. The duty involves coordinating with and selecting members, reviewing abstracts, put the program together. The process starts in December and continues until April. 01/01/2015 - 12/31/2019
  • Water Environment Foundation. Elected Chair- WEFTEC Research Symposium Committee. 11/12/2014 - present
  • Water Environment REsearch Journal. Role: Associate Editor. Manage and arrange reviews. 03/19/2014 - present
  • AEESP LEcture Committee. Role: Member and elected vice chair. Only one speaker is selected in the Us very year by this committee. I am a member of this committee and not elected vice chair. 03/05/2014 - 03/05/2019
  • Civil Engineering- University of Utah. Member of Departmental 6 members Strategic planning Committee . 08/15/2013 - present
  • Civil Engineering Department-University of Utah. Member of Departmental 6 members Executive Committee . 06/13/2013 - present
  • NSF. Served on 5 different panels. 01/2013 - 12/2013
  • Water Environment Research. Associate Editor. 12/2012 - present
  • Civil Engineering- University of Utah. Graduate Director. 08/15/2012 - present
  • Association of Environmental Engineers and Professionals. Chair- Lectures Committee. 08/15/2011 - 12/31/2014
  • Civil & Environmental Engineering- U of U. Graduate Director. 08/15/2011 - 08/14/2014
  • U of U- College of Engineering. Serving on Excellence in Teaching Committee. 05/15/2011 - 05/14/2014
  • Utah Division of Water Quality. Role: Committee Member. Wastewater Certifictaion Council. 01/2011 - 12/31/2013
  • WEFTEC- Biggest Water Quality Conference. Serivng on Research Symposium Committee- one of ten members in the entire U.S.A. 08/15/2010 - 08/14/2014
  • WEFTEC- Biggest Water Quality Conference. Serivng on Research Symposium Committee- one of ten members in the entire U.S.A. 08/15/2010 - 08/14/2014
  • NAtional Science Foundation. REviewer and Panelist. 03/15/2009 - present
  • WEF. Role: Member. Environmental Management and Disinfection Committees. 01/15/2009 - 12/2015

Honors & Awards

  • Outstanding Service Award . Association of Environmental Engineers and Professors (www.aeesp.org), 10/02/2018
  • Outstanding Faculty Award. Civil & Environmental Engineering, 05/04/2018
  • Departmental Best Mentor Award. University of Utah, 05/05/2017
  • Best Student MEntor. Civil Engineering- University of Utah, 05/07/2015
  • NSF-CAREER AWARD. NSF, 01/01/2011
  • President's Young Investigator Award. National Science Foundation, 12/2010
  • Best Student Mentor Award. Civil & Environmental Engineering Department, 05/2010
  • Outstanding Researcher of 2008-2009 in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering. University of Utah, 2009
  • ASM- Professorship to India-. American Society for Microbiology, 2009
  • First Place for the poster presented at 2008 WEFTEC in Chicago. WEFTEC is leading environmental engineering conference in the world. WEFTEC, 10/23/2008
  • OutstandingTenure Track Teaching Award. Civil & Environmental Engineeirng at the U, 05/15/2008

Internal Service

  • Chair: Department Chair search Committee. Chair, 08/18/2023 - 07/01/2024. Department service.
  • Graduate Council. Member, 08/15/2023 - 07/31/2025. University service.
  • Retention-Promotion Tenure Committee. Chair, 07/01/2023 - 06/30/2024. College service.
  • University of Utah NSF Task Force. Faculty Mentor, 05/15/2023 - 08/15/2025. University service.
  • Association of Environmental Engineering Science Professor- EEPL Committee. Member, 01/01/2023 - 12/31/2025. Other service.
  • Ethical Misconduct Co-Chair. 01/01/2023 - 12/31/2023. College service.
  • United States Agency for National Conferences. Chair, 01/01/2023 - 12/31/2023. Other service.
  • College Curriculum Committee. Member, 01/01/2023 - 12/31/2023. College service.
  • Ethical misconduct Committee Co-Chair. Co-Chair, 01/01/2023 - 12/31/2023. College service.
  • RPT Chair. 01/01/2021 - 06/15/2022. Department service.
  • Ethical Misconduct Committee Chair. 01/01/2020 - 07/30/2022. College service.
  • GCSC Engineering representative- monthly meetings, reviews applications for GCSC fellowships, coordinate with engineering faculty various GCSC activities. College of Engineering Representative , 09/16/2015 - present. College service.
  • College curriculum development Committee. Work with CCD chair, review different petitions etc. Member-, 08/15/2015 - present. College service.
  • Department Strategic Committee. Member, 08/14/2015 - present. Department service.
  • Environmental Faculty search. Chair, 08/14/2015 - present. Department service.
  • Graduate director. 09/01/2012 - 12/31/2023. Department service.
  • Graduate review-external and internal, managing graduate committee, review applications, curriculum development plans etc. Graduate Director, 08/15/2012 - present. Department service.
  • Graduate Director. Graduate Director, 08/15/2011 - 08/14/2025. Department service.

Community Partnership

  • Citizen Science- Worked with Taylorsville High School to develop NSF funded Citizen Science Program. 05/15/2018 - present
  • Worked with community members for Utah Lake Citizen Science Based Water Quality Monitoring. 05/15/2018 - present
  • Working with four different high schools to attract their students for summer research. Four high school students are currently researching in my LAb. 05/14/2015 - present
  • I am fully active in the local community through my summer workshops and through Water Environment Association of Utah (WEAU). I have been nomited for WEAU executibe Board Member and ballots are out. If I get selected, this will be a big honor for me. 01/2006 - 01/2015


  • NSF Funded workshop for Presidents and VPR from EPSCoR States in Washington DC. 12/11/2023 - 12/12/2023
  • Chaired Equity and diversity workshop: AEESP Conference In Boston: June 20-23, 2023. 06/20/2023 - 06/23/2023
  • Panel Member: NSF’s PFI Program workshop: AEESP Conference In Boston: June 20-23, 2023. 06/20/2023 - 06/23/2023
  • Chaired Student and Postdoc Services Workshop: AEESP Conference In Boston: June 20-23, 2023. 06/20/2023 - 06/23/2023
  • Hosted several High school students in the lab for science projects. 05/15/2023 - 12/31/2023
  • AEESP sustaining member committee member: Spring 2022-current. 01/01/2023 - 07/31/2025
  • K12 research- four students. 06/17/2015 - present
  • Developed Water Chemistry and Microbiology lab manual for 8th Grader. 20- 8th graders collected water samples and determined water chemistry parameters and identified bacteria using molecular tools. 05/2013 - 06/2013
  • HIGEAR. 07/2012 - 07/2012
  • Director- Intermountain Junior Science and Humanity Symposium. 12/2011 - 03/2012

In the Media

  • 1. High Country News: November 9, 2023: Another gunky, toxic season for Utah Waters. 11/09/2023.
  • Using Viruses to clean Wastewater- Appeared at NSF website. 09/12/2014. http://www.nsf.gov/discoveries/disc_summ.jsp?cntn_...
  • Digested News: Deammonification as a sidestream option to manage total nitrogen in fill scale wastewater treatment plants. 08/2013.
  • Phages in engineered bioreactors- for online at NSF. 06/2013.
  • Phage Therapy- published in NIEHS online news magazine. 03/15/2013.
  • Kagan water- FOX13 News, November 2010. 11/2010.
  • Utah researchers look up ways to clean up oil spill- KSL television news- May 3rd, 2010. 05/2010.