Glen  Schmidt
  • Professor, Ois Operations & Info Systems
  • David Eccles Professor of Business, Ois Operations & Info Systems

Research Statement

My research interests include product innovation, new product development, and supply chain management. For example, my research in product innovation investigates what types of innovations are most likely to displace incumbents, and what competencies incumbents need to thwart such displacement and instead continue to grow. In the area of new product development a research pursuit is to examine the degree to which a firm should pursue modular design. And in supply chain management some of my research involves looking at ways firms can most cost effectively pursue make-to-order production in conjunction with make-to-stock manufacturing.


  • GLEN M SCHMIDT, & Dana Romero. (2023) Value-Based Healthcare. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 12/2023.
  • GLEN SCHMIDT, & Syd Hashem Alavi. (2023) Towards an Understanding of Nanostores’ Operations, as Organized Retailers Expand. Conference Paper, Presented, 10/2023.
  • GLEN M SCHMIDT, & Dana Romero. (2023) Incentivizing Process Improvement in Healthcare. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 09/2023.
  • GLEN SCHMIDT, & Bo van der Rhee. (2023) Teaching Effectively Online. Conference Paper, Presented, 05/2023.
  • Impacts of Downstream Integration in a Supply Chain, Studying Retail Market Transition and Nano-Stores. Conference Paper, Presented, 05/2023.
  • Chunlin Wang, & Krishnan Anand. (2012) Stage Gate Contracts for New Product Development. Conference Paper, Presented, 10/2012.
  • Sezer Ulku, & Claudiu Dimofte. (2012) Customer Valuation of Modularly Upgradeable Products. Conference Paper, Presented, 06/2012.
  • Chunlin Wang, & Krishnan Anand. (2012) NPD Projects: The Role of Stage Gate Contracts. Conference Paper, Presented, 05/2012.
  • GLEN M SCHMIDT, & Joseph Van Orden, Pascal Briot. (2011) Is Integrated Health Care Better than a Modular Treatment Regimen?. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 09/10/2011.
  • GLEN M SCHMIDT, & Sezer Ulku, Cladiu Dimofte. (2011) How to get a hit in spite of facing two strikes. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 09/2011.
  • GLEN M SCHMIDT, & Pascal Briot, Joseph Van Orden. (2011) Integrating Mental Health Care: (When) is it Desirable?. Conference Paper, Presented, 06/2011.
  • GLEN M SCHMIDT, & Bo Van der Rhee, Weiyu Tsai. (2011) Place the Push-pull Point Prior To or Past the Fan-out Point?. Conference Paper, Presented, 04/2011.
  • GLEN M SCHMIDT, & Sezer Ulku, Vishal Agrawal. (2011) The Role of Product Architecture in Green Product Design. Conference Paper, Presented, 04/2011.
  • GLEN M SCHMIDT (2011) Product modularity: Customer and firm responses. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 03/2011.
  • Sezer Ulku, & Vishal Agrawal, Bardia Kamrad, Glen Schmidt. (2010) Managing E-waste and the Pace of Innovation through Product Modularity. Conference Paper, Presented, 10/15/2010.
  • GLEN M SCHMIDT, & Joseph Van Orden, Pascal Briot. (2010) Mental Health Outcomes under Integrated and Modular Treatment Regimens. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 09/13/2010.
  • Sezer Ulku, & Claudiu Demofte, Glen Schmidt. (2010) Product Modularity and Consumer Valuation of Upgradeable Products. Conference Paper, Presented, 05/01/2010.
  • Joseph Van Orden, & Glen Schmidt, Pascal Briot. (2010) Mental Health Integration - Improving Healthcare Through Process Integration. Conference Paper, Presented, 04/30/2010.
  • Bo Van der Rhee, & Glen Schmidt, Joseph Van Orden. (2010) High-end Encroachment Patterns of New Products. Conference Paper, Accepted, 04/30/2010.


  • Wang, Chunlin & Bo van der Rhee (2018). Stage-gate Contracts to Screen Agents with Inside Information. Decision Sciences. Vol. 49(2). Discipline based - refereed, Published, 03/2018.
  • van der Rhee, Bo, Glen Schmidt & Weiyu Tsai (2017). Hold safety inventory before, at, or after the fan-out point?. Production and Operations Management. Vol. 26(5), 817-835. Discipline based - refereed, Published, 05/2017.
  • Jin, Ming, Glen Schmidt & Nicole DeHoratius (2017). Want to Reduce the Bullwhip? Measure It. Here’s How. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal. Vol. 22(4), 297-304. Discipline based - refereed, Published, 05/2017.
  • Lee, Hau & Glen Schmidt (2017). Using Value Chains to Enhance Innovation. Production and Operations Management. Vol. 26(4), 617-632. Discipline based - refereed, Published, 04/2017.
  • Jin, Ming, Glen Schmidt & Nicole DeHoratius (2017). In Search of Intra-Industry Bullwhips. International Journal of Production Economics. Vol. 191(C), 51-65. Discipline based - refereed, Published, 04/2017.
  • Kamrad, Bardia, Glen Schmidt & Sezer Ulku (2017). In Pursuit of Product Modularity: Impediments and Stimulants. California Management Review. Vol. 59(4). Discipline based - refereed, Published, 04/2017.
  • Girard-Carrier, Francois & Glen Schmidt (2015). Learning in the Fast Lane: The Freeway Game. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education. Teaching - refereed, Published, 12/2015.
  • Sampson, Scott, Glen Schmidt, Joseph Van Orden & Scott Gardner (2015). Process coordination within a healthcare services supply network. Journal of Business Logistics. Vol. 36(4). Discipline based - refereed, Published, 12/2015.
  • Van der Rhee, Bo, Glen Schmidt, Jack A.A. van der Veen & V. Venugopal (2014). Revenue Sharing Contracts Across an Extended Supply Chain. Business Horizons. Vol. 57(4). Discipline based - refereed, Published, 12/2014.
  • Schmidt, Glen & Bo Van der Rhee (2013). How to Position Your Innovation in the Marketplace. Sloan Management Review. Vol. 55(2). Discipline based - refereed, Published, 06/2013.
  • Glen Schmidt, Bo Van der Rhee & Joseph Van Orden (2012). High-end Encroachment Patterns of New Products. Journal of Product Innovation Management. Vol. 29 (5). Discipline based - refereed, Published, 09/2012.
  • Sezer Ulku, Claudiu Dimofte & Glen Schmidt (2012). Customer Valuation of Modularly Upgradeable Products. Management Science. Vol. 58 (9), 1761-1776. Published, 09/2012.
  • Glen Schmidt, Sezer Uklu & Bardia Kamrad (2012). Analyzing Product Architecture under Technological Change: Modular Upgradeability Tradeoffs. IEEE Transactions on Engrg Mgt. Discipline based - refereed, Accepted, 06/2012.
  • Van Orden, Joseph, Bo Van der Rhee & Glen Schmidt (2011). Encroachment Patterns of the ‘Best Products’ from the Last Decade. Journal of Product Innovation Management. Vol. 28(5), 726-43. Discipline based - refereed, Published, 09/2011.
  • Ülkü, Sezer & Schmidt, Glen (2011). Matching Product Architecture and Supply Chain Configuration. Production and Operations Management. Vol. 20(1), 16-31. Discipline based - refereed, Published, 01/2011.
  • Kyle Cattani, & Ely Dahan, Glen Schmidt. (2010) Lower Cost May not Lower Total Cost: Using Spackling to Smooth Mass-Customized Production. Production and Operations Management. 19 (5), 531-545. Discipline based - refereed, Published, 11/2010.
  • Schmidt, G., & Cheryl Druehl, Gilvan Souza. (2009). Optimal pace of product updates. European Journal of Operational Research. Discipline based - refereed, Published, 01/2009.
  • Schmidt, G.(2008). TIRP: 4 supply chain management principles that might have averted the need for TARP. POMS Chronicle. 15, 2. Discipline based - other, Published, 12/2008.
  • GLEN M SCHMIDT, & Kyle Cattani and Ely Dahan. (2008) Tailored capacity: Speculative and reactive fabrication of fashion goods. International Journal of Production Economics. Discipline based - refereed, Published, 08/2008.
  • Schmidt, G., & Cheryl Druehl. (2008). A Strategy for Opening a New Market and Encroaching on the Low End of an Existing Market. Production and Operations Management. Discipline based - refereed, Published, 2008.
  • Schmidt, G., & Cheryl Druehl. (2008). When is a disruptive innovation disruptive?. Journal of Product Innovation Management. Discipline based - refereed, Published, 2008.
  • Schmidt, G., & Weiuy Tsai, Rohit Verma. (2007). New Service Development. Elsevier. Discipline based - other, Published, 2007.
  • Schmidt, G., & Gerard Cachon, Taylor Randall. (2007). In search of the bullwhip effect. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management. Discipline based - refereed, Published, 2007.
  • Schmidt, G., & Cheryl Druehl. (2005). Changes in product attributes as drivers of new product diffusion and substitution. Production and Operations Management. 14 (3), 272-285. Discipline based - refereed, Published, 2005.
  • Schmidt, G., & Kyle Cattani. (2005). The pooling principle. INFORMS Transactions on Education. 5 (2). Teaching - refereed, Published, 2005.
  • Schmidt, G., & Jan Van Mieghem. (2005). Seagate Quantum: Encroachment strategies. INFORMS Transactions on Education. 5 (2). Teaching - refereed, Published, 2005.
  • Schmidt, G.(2005). The OM triangle. Operations Management Education Review. 1 (1), 87-104. Teaching - refereed, Published, 2005.
  • Schmidt, G., & Ricardo Ernst. (2005). Benihana: A new look at an old classic. Operations Management Education Review. 1 (1), 5-28. Teaching - refereed, Published, 2005.
  • Schmidt, G., & Kyle Cattani, Ely Dahan. (2005). Offshoring versus "spackling". (pp. 6-7). Sloan Management Review. Practice - other, Published, 2005.
  • Schmidt, G.(2004). Low-end and high-end encroachment strategies. International Journal of Innovation Management. 8 (2), 167-191. Practice - refereed, Published, 2004.
  • Schmidt, G., & Evan Porteus. (2000). Sustaining technology leadership can require both cost competence and innovative competence. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management. 2 (1), 1-18. Practice - refereed, Published, 2000.
  • Schmidt, G., & Evan Porteus. (2000). The impact of an integrated marketing and manufacturing innovation. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management. 2 (4), 1-21. Practice - refereed, Published, 2000.