Current Courses

Fall 2024

  • ETHNC 4780-001
    Location: GC 3700 (GC 3700)
  • GNDR 4765-001
    Gender and War
    Location: GC 2575 (GC 2575)
  • GNDR 4780-001
    Location: GC 3700 (GC 3700)
  • GNDR 6960-003
    Special Topics
    Location: GC 3700 (GC 3700)
  • HIST 5100-001
    Internship in History
  • HIST 7990-001
    Continuing Regist-Ph D

Summer 2024

Spring 2024

Teaching Projects

  • The World War II Home Front and Public History. Project Lead: Matthew Basso. 07/01/2020 - present.
  • Graduate Student Career Diversity Initiative. Project Lead: Matthew Basso. 06/01/2018 - 05/01/2020.
  • History ROCKS (Reach Out to Cultivate Knowledge and Skills). Project Lead: Matthew Basso. 07/03/2017 - 05/01/2020.
  • Offered Public History Internships - 2 undergraduate and 1 graduate - at the American West Center. Project Lead: Matthew Basso. 08/22/2010 - 12/15/2010.