Research Keywords
- Horror Film
- Gender Studies/Feminist Theory
- Film Theory
- Disability Studies
- American Cinema
- 2022 Disability and Horror Panel, PopMeC Association for US Popular Culture (Mar).
Presented, 03/2022. - “The Body and Horror,” Panel Presentation, Migratory Monsters Series, University of Utah, with Sandra Del Rio Madrigal and The Institute of ImPossible Subjects. Presentation, Presented, 11/2021.
- Podcast interview for Freaks and Psychos: The Disability and Horror Podcast, Episode 2: Freaks . Other, Presented, 11/2020.
- Panelist, for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: Reframing the Conversation: Disability as Diversity.
Presented, 11/2020. - Panelist, Law School Dean’s Book Panel: Discussion of Crip Camp Documentary Film.
Presented, 10/2020.
- “Involution, Adaptation, Mutation: Horror’s Disability Dynamics.” The Evolution of Horror in the 21st Century, edited by Simon Bacon, Lexington Press, 2023, 217-230. Published, 06/2023.
- "'Routine Discombobulations': Affect, Access, and Attention in Disability Encounter." The Routledge Companion to Gender and Affect, edited by Todd Reeser. Routledge Press, 2023. 57-69. Published, 12/2022.
- "An Affectionate Epidemic: Disability Goes Viral on Social Media." In Embodying Contagion: The Viropolitics of Horror and Desire in Contemporary Discourse. Eds. Sandra Becker, Megen de Bruin-Molé, and Sara Polak, University of Wales Press, 2021, 85-106. Published, 04/2021.
- "Children, Affect, and National Feelings: Shame in Taika Waititi’s Boy (2010)." Antipodes: A Global Journal of Australian/New Zealand Literature, Vol. 34, No. 2 (December 2020): 329-345. Published, 12/2020.
- "Madness: The Babadook.” Monsters: A Companion, ed. Simon Bacon, Peter Lang, 2020, 15-22. Published, 08/2020.
- "Dis-Affection: Disability Effects and Disabled Moves at the Movies," in The Matter of Disability: Materiality, Biopolitics, Crip Affect, edited by David Mitchell, Sharon Snyder, and Susan Antebi, (University of Michigan Press, 2019). Published, 06/2019.
- "Walk This Way: Frankenstein’s Monster, Disability Simulation, and Zombie Ambulation." Literature and Medicine, vol. 36 (December 2018): 412-438. Published, 12/2018.
- Hideous Progeny: Disability, Eugenics, and Classic Horror Cinema. Published, 01/2012.
- “Impaired Visions: The Cultural and Cinematic Politics of Blindness in the Horror Film.” In Horror Zone: The Cultural Experience of Contemporary Horror Cinema. Ed. Ian Conrich. London: I.B. Tauris, 2010. 259-275. Published, 2010.