• Professor, Mathematics

Research Summary

I work on the interface of probability theory and statistical mechanics. I aim at understanding the evolution of systems with complex interactions, eg. particles moving in disordered media, cars navigating through traffic, surfaces of growing crystals, or boundaries of infected tissues. Complexity is captured by randomness, both in the environment in which particles interact or crystals grow, and in the interaction or growth process itself. I develop the mathematical laws governing such systems.


Firas Rassoul-Agha obtained a Magistere (between a Bachelor's and an M.Sci.) in 1996 at the Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, Paris. In 1999 he obtained an M.Sci. from the New York University. He got his Ph.D. in Mathematics in 2003, New York University. From 2002 to 2004, Firas was a Visiting Assistant Professor at the Ohio State University. He was then a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Mathematical Biosciences Institute. Firas joined the U in 2005 and is now a Full Professor of Mathematics.