  • Adjunct Associate Professor, Nutrition & Integrative Physiology
  • Adjunct Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
  • Professor, Internal Medicine

Research Statement

The Vascular Access & Health Laboratory at University of Utah School of Medicine and Salt Lake City VA Medical Center integrates engineering, medicine, and bioscience to enhance dialysis access and reduce the burdens of CKD, CVD and PVD. We have trained over 50 trainees (visiting scholars, PhD students, MS students, undergraduate students) and are actively recruiting new students and postdocs to join us.

Our research papers have been published in top tier journals and selected as cover figures. Please visit for our bibliography.

The PI Dr. Shiu’s research work draws from her engineering talents and strong knowledge in vascular biology. Her laboratory uses experimental and computational techniques to conduct clinical and laboratory research related to (i) hemodialysis vascular access, (ii) vascular dysfunctions and pathomechanics in patients with CKD, CVD and PVD, and (iii) mechanobiology. She has received research funding as a PI from the National Institutes of Health (R01), Department of Veterans Affairs (Merit Review), Western Institute for Biomedical (Veterans) Research, American Heart Association, National Kidney Foundation of Utah & Idaho, other funding agencies, and the industry.