• Professor, Philosophy


Chrisoula Andreou is a Professor in the Philosophy Department at the University of Utah and an Executive Editor of the Canadian Journal of Philosophy. Her current research projects lie in the areas of Practical Reasoning, Action Theory, Ethical Theory, and Applied Ethics.  See the "Curriculum Vitae" link above for more details (or click here).  Her most recent book, Choosing Well: The Good, the Bad, and the Trivial (Oxford University Press, 2023) is available here.  An audio interview about the book can be found here.  A more general journal interview about her work and related experiences can be found here.  For a short, fun Psychology Today blog post regarding choosing well, click here

Personal biographical note: My parents grew up in adjacent farming villages in Greece, where my mom insisted, to her parents’ chagrin, on going to high school, while my dad jumped at the offer of wrapping up his schooling in grade six, fully grasping the significance of his decision only a couple of years later.  In Canada, education for their children became a top priority.  As luck would have it, I was and remain a complete nerd, and, in the meantime, even became a doctor (but no, not that kind of doctor).  My most enduring philosophical interest is in inquiry concerning rationality and irrationality.  My research has focused on the relationship between morality and rationality, as well as on choice situations and preference structures that can interfere with choosing well by prompting self-defeating patterns of choice.