Professor, Elect & Computer Engineering
Professional Service
- IEEE Milcom 2018.
Member of technical committee.
04/2018 - present
Technical Committee member.
01/2018 - present
- IEEE ICC 2018.
Member of Technical Committee .
10/01/2017 - 02/28/2018
- MILCOM 2017.
Role: Member of Technical Program.
Handle papers review assignment .
04/01/2017 - 07/31/2017
- IEEE ICC 2017.
Member of Technical Committee.
09/01/2016 - 02/28/2017
- IEEE Milcom 2016.
Technical Committee member.
03/01/2016 - present
- IEEE ICC 2016.
Role: Handle paper reviews.
Technical program committee member.
10/2015 - 12/2015
Role: Technical program committee member.
Handle paper reviews.
05/2015 - 06/2015
Role: Handle paper reviews.
Technical program committee member, ICC 2015.
10/2014 - 12/2014
Role: Handle paper reviews.
Technical program committee member, MILCOM 2014 .
05/2014 - 08/2014
Honors & Awards
- Utah Innovation Awards 2015 (given for my MCMC MIMO Detection Technology).
Utah Technology Council (UTC),
- R&D Award 100
This award was given to a technology that I (and one of my students) developed in collaboration with two engineers (Hussein Mordai and Carl Kutchi) of Idaho National Laboratory.
- The best demo award of IEEE DySPAN 2012:
Design and Implementation of an Underlay Control Channel for Cognitive Radios, IEEE DySPAN demo, Oct. 2012.
This demo was presented by two students (Daryl Wasden and Arslan Majid) from my lab. and my collaborators in Idaho National Lab.
- Guest Editor for special issue on Filter Banks for Next Generation Multicarrier Wireless Communications.
EURASIP Journal in Advanced Signal Processing,
Internal Service
- Associate Chair.
07/01/2004 - present.
Department service.
In the Media