Research Statement
My current research interests are primarily driven by two related lines of inquiry: (1) examining issues of speech motor control in stuttering speakers and (2) examining stuttering treatment outcomes as they relate to fluency facilitating strategies. The ultimate goal of my research is to examine salient neurobiological activation dynamics related to speech motor control in stuttering speakers, and how those (disordered) patterns may be amenable to change following intensive stuttering treatment (i.e., examining cortical plasticity related to intensive stuttering treatment).
Research Keywords
- Treatment Outcomes
- Stuttering
- Speech-Language Pathology
- Speech Science
- Speech Motor Control
- Speech Acoustics
- Cortical Plasticity in People Who Stutter
- Changes in Stuttering Severity
- Blomgren, M., Eggers, K., Packman, A., Azios, M. (2019). Stuttering Treatment: Trending Issues and Global Resources. Oral Presentation at the 31st World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), Taipei, Taiwan. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 09/01/2019.
- Eggers, K., Blomgren, M., Logie, A. (2019). Stuttering Treatment: A Global Perspective. Oral Presentation at the 31st World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), Taipei, Taiwan. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 09/01/2019.
- Blomgren, M. (2019). Stuttering: Helping your clients manage anxiety, avoidance behaviors, stigma, and self-esteem. Utah Speech-Language Hearing Association Spring Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 02/28/2019.
- Lee, J.M., Blomgren, M., & Roy, N. (2018). The relationship between anxiety and treatment outcomes in adults who stutter. Presentation at the ASHA National Convention, Boston, MA. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/23/2018.
- Blomgren, M. & Dehqan, A. (2017). Speech motor control in stuttering: Contributions of acoustic studies. 11th Oxford Dysfluency Conference, St Catharine's College, Oxford, UK. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 09/23/2017.
- Roy, N., Heller, A., Blomgren, M., Lee, J., Houtz, D., & Dietrich, M. (2017). Exploring the neural bases of primary muscle tension dysphonia (pMTD): A case study using fMRI. Poster presented at the Voice Foundation 46th Annual Symposium, Philadelphia, PA. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 05/2017.
- Blomgren, M. (2017). Contemporary approaches to stuttering treatment. Two-day course presented at Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 02/2017.
- Goberman, A., Blomgren, M., Whitfield, J., Reif, A., & DeLong, C. (2016). Disfluent speech characteristics of individuals with Parkinson’s Disease: Three Perspectives. Seminar presented at the ASHA National Convention, Philadelphia, PA. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/16/2016.
- Roy, N., Heller, A., Blomgren, M., Lee, J., Houtz, D. (2016). Exploring the neural bases of primary muscle tension dysphonia (pMTD): A case study using fMRI. Poster presented at the ASHA National Convention, Philadelphia, PA. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/16/2016.
- Logan, K., Blomgren, M., Gillam, R., & Manning, W. (2016). The long view: Perspectives on coping with and managing persistent stuttering over the lifespan. Seminar presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) National Convention, Philadelphia, PA. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/16/2016.
- Blomgren, M (2016). Comprehensive Stuttering Therapy. Brigham Young University Symposium Series. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 11/05/2016.
- Blomgren, M. (2016). Speech motor control in stuttering and nonstuttering speakers: Insight from recent acoustic studies. Presentation at the 30th World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Dublin, Ireland. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 08/2016.
- Blomgren, M. (2016). 360 Degree Stuttering Therapy. Short Course presented at the 2016 California Speech and Hearing Association Annual Convention, Anaheim, CA. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/2016.
- Bailey, D., Blomgren, M., DeLong, C., Wambaugh, J. (2016). Quantification & systematic characterization of stuttering-like disfluencies in acquired apraxia of speech. Poster presented at the Conference on Motor Speech, Newport Beach, CA. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 03/2016.
- DeLong, C., Bailey, D., Brunsvold, J., Blomgren, M., & Wambaugh, J. (2015). Acquired apraxia of speech: Development of potential treatment outcome measures. Poster presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) National Convention, Denver, CO. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/13/2015.
- Bailey, D., Blomgren, M., DeLong, C., Wambaugh, J. (2015). Quantification & systematic characterization of stuttering-like disfluencies in acquired apraxia of speech. Poster presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) National Convention, Denver, CO. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/12/2015.
- Dehqan, A., Yadegari, F., Blomgren, M., & Scherer, R. (2015). Articulatory transitions in the fluent speech of Farsi-speaking people who stutter. 5th International Conference of Acoustics and Vibration, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/2015.
- Alqhazo, M. & Blomgren, M. (2015). Stigmatizing Experiences of People who Stutter in Jordan. 7th World Congress on Fluency Disorders, Lisbon, Portugal. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 07/2015.
- Blomgren, M., Alqhazo, M., & Ture, E. (2014). Parsing the Stuttering Moment: Reevaluating Stuttering Type. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) National Convention, Orlando, FL. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/2014.
- Van Borsel, J., Byrd, C., Blomgren, M., Einarsdóttir, J. (2014). Panel Presentation: Stuttering and Bilingualism, Considerations for differential Diagnosis. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) National Convention, Orlando, FL. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 11/2014.
- Blomgren, M. (2014). Comprehensive Stuttering Therapy: Techniques and Outcomes. Pan-Hellenic Association of Speech Therapists, Athens, Greece. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/15/2014.
- Blomgren, M. (2014). Evidence Based Treatments of Stuttering. Three hour presentation, Utah Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Conference, Park City, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 03/2014.
- Whitfield, J., Goberman, A., Blomgren, M. & DeLong, C. (2014). Adaptation in Parkinson Disease: Articulatory-Acoustic and Fluency Characteristics. 2014 Motor Speech Conference, Sarasota, FL. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 02/2014.
- Blomgren, M. (2014). Stuttering Therapy: Does it Work? Keynote Speaker; four hour presentation. FRIENDS of People who Stutter Symposium. Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 02/2014.
- Blomgren, M. (2014). Comprehensive Stuttering Treatment: An Evidence-Based Approach. Invited presentation at the University of Hong Kong. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 01/2014.
- Blomgren, M., Alqhazo, M., & Metzger, E. (2014). Re-evaluating the moment of stuttering. Invited presentation at the University of Hong Kong. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 01/2014.
- Bosshardt, H-G., Packman, A., Baktiar, M., Blomgren, M., Fourlas, G., & Millard, S. (2013). Measuring stuttering in preschool-age children across different languages: An international on-line study. Presentation at the 29th World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Torino, Italy. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 08/2013.
- Blomgren, M. (2013). Stuttering therapy: Working above and below the surface. 90-minute presentation at the 29th World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Torino, Italy. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 08/2013.
- Blomgren, M., Alqhazo, M., & Metzger, E. (2012). Do speech sound characteristics really influence stuttering frequency? 7th World Congress on Fluency Disorders, Tours, France. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 07/2012.
- Blomgren, M. (2012). Intensive stuttering therapy: A multidimensional approach. University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/2012.
- Blomgren, M., Goberman, A., & Egappan, L. (2012). Durational stability in stuttering and nonstuttering speakers: Influence of Task Complexity. Paper presented at the Motor Speech Conference, Santa Rosa, CA. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 03/2012.
- Alqhazo, M., Metzger, E., & Blomgren, M. (2011). The influence of phonetic factors on stuttering. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) National Convention, San Diego, CA. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/2011.
- Eggapan, L., Blomgren, M., & Goberman, A. (2011). Speech rate stability in stuttering and nonstuttering speakers. Paper presented at the ASHA National Convention, San Diego, CA. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/2011.
- Blomgren, M. (2011). The nature and treatment of stuttering. Kigali Health Institute, Kigali, Rwanda. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 07/2011.
- Blomgren, M. (2011). A primer on neuroimaging: Methodologies & applications in communication disorders. Six hour seminar presented at The University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/2011.
- Blomgren, M. (2011). The University of Utah Intensive Stuttering Treatment Program. Michael Palin Center for Stuttering, London, England. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/2011.
- Blomgren, M. (2011). Combining fluency shaping and stuttering management therapy: Treatment outcomes of a comprehensive stuttering clinic. 8th Annual Asia-Pacific Conference on Speech, Language, and Hearing, Christchurch, New Zealand. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 01/2011.
- Blomgren, M., Bosshardt, H.G., Eggers, K., Packman, A., Cook, F., Leahy, M., Fibiger, S., & Boucand, V. (2010). Assessment frameworks for working with people who stutter: An international survey. 28th International Association of Logopedics & Phoniatrics (IALP) Congress, Athens, Greece. Conference Paper, Refereed, Submitted, 08/2010.
- Cook, F., Packman, A., Blomgren, M. (2010). Setting stuttering therapy goals and measuring outcomes. 28th IALP Congress, Athens, Greece. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 08/2010.
- Bosshardt, H-G., Blomgren, M., Andrade, C.RF., Eggers, K., Cook, F., Packman, A. (2010). Assessment frameworks: Future directions. 28th IALP Congress, Athens, Greece. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 08/2010.
- Bosshardt, H-G., Packman, A., Neumann, K., Eggers, K., Fibiger, S., Leahy, M., Andrade, C.R.F., Blomgren, M., Boucand, V. (2010). Treatment decision making: Future directions. 28th IALP Congress, Athens, Greece. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 08/2010.
- Blomgren, M. (2010). The Successful Stuttering Management Program: Strengths and Weaknesses. Stuttering: A Clinical Symposium, Cavtat, Croatia. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 07/2010.
- Blomgren, M., Bosshardt, H.G., Eggers, K., Packman, A., Cook, F., Leahy, M., Fibiger, S., & Boucand, V. (2010). Assessment frameworks for working with people who stutter: An international survey. 28th International Association of Logopedics & Phoniatrics (IALP) Congress, Athens, Greece. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 07/2010.
- Blomgren, M. (2010). Treatment Outcomes of a Comprehensive Stuttering Treatment Program. University of Paris, Paris, France. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 07/2010.
- Blomgren, M., Whitchurch, M., Metzger, M. (2009). The University of Utah Intensive Stuttering Clinic: Treatment Outcomes. 6th World Congress on Fluency Disorders, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 08/2009.
- Blomgren, M. (2009). Stuttering and social interaction. Invited presentation, Indevus Pharmaceuticals Pagoclone Investigators Meeting, Amelia Island, FL. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 04/2009.
- Blomgren, M. & Riley, G. (2009). The art and science of counting stuttering moments. Two day workshop presented to the I3-Research Investigators Meeting, Raleigh, NC. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 03/2009.
- Blomgren, M., Goberman, A., & Whitchurch, M. (2008). Evaluating ear-witness abilities in a forensic voice comparison task. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) National Convention, Chicago, IL. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/2008.
- Blomgren, M., & Lee, J. (2008). Functional MRI activation during speech production in stuttering and nonstuttering speakers. Paper presented a the European Symposium on Fluency Disorders, Antwerp Belgium. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 04/2008.
- Blomgren, M., & Wolk, L. (1997). Stuttering and phonological disorders: Analysis of the actual instance of co-occurrence. Brief presentation presented at the ASHA National Convention, Boston, MA. (Abstract published in Asha Leader, August, 1997). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/2007.
- Blomgren, M., & Lee, J. (2007). Brain activation patterns in stuttering speakers: An event-related fMRI experiment. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) National Convention, Boston, MA. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/2007.
- Denko, T., Maguire, G., Franklin, D., Vatakis, N., Morgenshtern, E., Yaruss, S., Spotts, C., Davis, L., Davis, A., Fox, P., Soni, P., Blomgren, M., Silverman, A., & Riley, G. (2007). Pagoclone, a novel nonbenzodiazepine GABA-A partial agonist, reduces objective and subjective symptoms of stuttering. Paper presented at the 47th Annual New Clinical Drug Evaluation Unit (NCDEU) Meeting, Boca Raton, FL. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 10/2007.
- Shipley, J., Maquire, G., Franklin, D., Denko, T., Vatakis, N., Morgenshtern, E., Yaruss, S., Spotts, C., Davis, L., Davis, A., Fox, P., Soni, P., Blomgren, M., Silverman, A., & Riley, G. (2007). Pagoclone reduces social anxiety associated with stuttering. Paper presented at the 47th Annual NCDEU Meeting, Boca Raton, FL. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 10/2007.
- Maguire, G., Riley, G., Franklin, D., Blomgren, M., Soni, P., Yaruss, S., Denko, T., Davis, L., Davis, A., Silverman, A., Sabounjian, L., & Shipley, J. (2006). Enhancing precision in clinical trials: Methodological issues in assessing the pharmacologic treatment of stuttering. 46th Annual New Clinical Drug Evaluation Unit (NCDEU) Meeting, Boca Raton, FL. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 10/2006.
- Blomgren, M. (2006). Status update: fMRI and stuttering. One hour presentation to the Department of Radiology Seminar Series at The University of Utah. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 10/2006.
- Blomgren, M. (2006). Pharmacologic treatments of stuttering: Recent research and current findings. Invited presentation, ASHA SID 4 Leadership Conference, San Antonio, TX. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 03/2006.
- Blomgren, M. (2006). The art and science of stuttering treatment outcomes research. Invited presentation, ASHA SID 4 Leadership Conference, San Antonio, TX. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 03/2006.
- Blomgren, M. (2006). Pharmacologic treatments of stuttering: Recent research and current findings. One hour presentation at the ASHA Special Interest Division 4 (SID 4 - Fluency & Fluency Disorders) 2005 Leadership Conference, San Antonio, TX. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 03/2006.
- Blomgren, M. (2006). Status update on Pagoclone drug study. Invited presentation, Indevus Pharmaceuticals Pagoclone Developmental Stuttering Investigators Meeting, Lexington, MA. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 02/2006.
- Blomgren, M., & Molt, L. (2005). A primer on neuroimaging: Methodologies and applications in communication disorders. 2-hour seminar presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) National Convention, San Diego, CA. (Abstract published in the ASHA leader, 10(11), p. 95). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/2005.
- Blomgren, M., Smith, B., Bennet, J., Straw, K., & Doyle, J. (2005). Vowel steady states revisited. Poster presentation at the ASHA National Convention, San Diego, CA. (Abstract published in the ASHA leader, 10(11), p. 156). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/2005.
- Goberman, A., & Blomgren, M. (2005). Fundamental frequency offset and onset in individuals with Parkinson disease. Poster presentation at the ASHA National Convention, San Diego, CA.) (Abstract published in the ASHA leader, 10(11), p. 153). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/2005.
- Blomgren, M. (2005). Assessing the effects of stuttering treatment at the neurobiological level. Invited presentation, Indevus Pharmaceuticals Pagoclone Developmental Stuttering Investigators Meeting, Denver, CO. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 04/2005.
- Blomgren, M. (2005). Stuttering: A primer on etiology, assessment, and treatment. Full day Invited presentation, Indevus Pharmaceuticals Pagoclone Developmental Stuttering Research Meeting, Lexington, MA. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 01/2005.
- Blomgren, M (2004). Functional imaging of speech and language in normal and disordered speakers. One hour presentation at The University of Utah Functional Neuroimaging Seminar Series. Salt Lake City, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 11/2004.
- Blomgren, M. (2004). Brain activation dynamics in stuttering speakers: Preliminary results and future directions. One hour presentation at the ASHA SID 4 - Fluency & Fluency Disorders 2004 Leadership Conference, Portland, OR. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 04/2004.
- Blomgren, M. & Goberman, A. (2003). Durational stability of fluent words in stuttering and nonstuttering speakers. Paper presented at the ASHA National Convention, Chicago, IL. (Abstract published in the ASHA leader, 8(15), p. 150). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/2003.
- Blomgren, M. (2003). Applications of new technology in speech science. Presented at the University of Utah Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Colloquium Series, Salt lake City, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 11/2003.
- Molt, L. & Blomgren, M. (2003). A primer on neuroimaging: Basic methodologies and application in stuttering. Seminar presented at the 4th World Congress on Fluency Disorders, Montreal, Canada. (Abstract published in the 4th World Congress on Fluency Disorders Program, p. 35). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 06/2003.
- Blomgren, M., Callister, T., & Roy, N. (2003). The successful stuttering management program: A multi-dimensional assessment of treatment effects. Paper presented at the 4th World Congress on Fluency Disorders, Montreal, Canada. (Abstract published in the 4th World Congress on Fluency Disorders Program, p. 38). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 06/2003.
- Blomgren, M. (2003). Comprehensive stuttering therapy: Creating an evidence-based treatment approach. Three hour seminar presented at the 2003 California Speech-Language-Hearing Convention, Monterey, CA. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 03/2003.
- Blomgren, M. (2003). High tech. Toys: Utilizing new technology in the assessment and treatment of speech and voice disorders. Three hour seminar presented at the 2003 California Speech-Language-Hearing Convention, Monterey, CA. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 03/2003.
- Blomgren, M. & McCormick, C. (2002). P300 ERPs in stutterers and nonstutterers: Stimulus and treatment effects. Technical paper presented at the ASHA National Convention, Atlanta, GA. (Abstract published in the ASHA leader, 7(15), p. 106). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/2002.
- Goberman, A. & Blomgren, M. (2002). Examination of Parkinsonian disfluencies before and after morning medication. Poster presentation at the ASHA National Convention, Atlanta, GA. (Abstract published in the ASHA leader, 7(15), p. 145). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/2002.
- Blomgren, M., Nagarajan, S., Lee, J., & Li, T. (2002). fMRI activations during lexical retrieval in stutterers and nonstutterers. Technical paper presented at the ASHA National Convention, Atlanta, GA. (Abstract published in the ASHA leader, 7(15), p. 106). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/2002.
- Roy, N., Tanner, K., Gray, S. & Blomgren, M. (2002). Effects of three laryngeal lubricants on phonation threshold pressure. Technical paper presented at the ASHA National Convention, Atlanta, GA. (Abstract published in the ASHA leader, 7(15), p. 171). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/2002.
- McCormick, C. & Blomgren, M. (2002). Effects of Stuttering Therapy on the P300. Paper presented at the American Auditory Society Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, Arizona. (Abstract published in the AAS Meeting Program). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 04/2002.
- Roy, N., Tanner, K., Gray, S., Blomgren, M. & Fisher, K. (2002). An evaluation of the effects of three laryngeal lubricants on phonation threshold pressure (PTP). Paper presented at the 31st Annual Voice Foundation Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, Philadelphia, PA. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 04/2002.
- Blomgren, M., Nagarajan, S., Lee, J., & Li, T. (2002). Speech & language related cortical activation patterns in stutterers and non-stutterers. Technical paper at the Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference, San Francisco, CA. (Abstract published in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience: E98 Suppl. S Apr 2002). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 04/2002.
- Murphy, B., Gurrister, T., Gurrister, M., Blomgren, M. (2002). Youth Day Stuttering Workshop. Full day workshop for children who stutter, their families, and their speech-language pathologists. Sponsored by the National Stuttering Association. Salt Lake City, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 04/2002.
- Blomgren, M., Nagarajan, S., Lee, J., & Li, T. (2001). Influence of speech task complexity on brain activation patterns in stutterers and nonstutterers. Technical paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) National Convention, New Orleans, LA. (Abstract published in the ASHA leader, 6:15, p. 147). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/2001.
- Blomgren, M., Roy, N., & Callister, T. (2001). A multidimensional outcomes assessment of a traditional stuttering modification program. Poster presented at the ASHA National Convention, New Orleans, LA. (Abstract published in the ASHA leader, 6:15, p. 146). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/2001.
- Ruder, J., Beck, S., Haun, R., Callister, T., Blomgren, M., & Wambaugh, J. (2001). Assessment of stuttering frequency and speech rate in a traditional stuttering modification program. Poster presented at the ASHA National Convention, New Orleans, LA. (Abstract published in the ASHA leader, 6:15, p. 144). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/2001.
- Blomgren, M. (2001). Speech motor control in stuttering and non-stuttering speakers. Presented at the University of Utah Dept. of Psychology Cognitive Neuroscience Colloquium Series. Salt Lake City, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 10/2001.
- Blomgren, M. (2001). Stability of segment durations in stutterers’ and nonstutterers’ speech. Paper presented at the 25th World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Montréal, Canada. (Abstract published in the 25th IALP Congress Program). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 08/2001.
- Blomgren, M. (2001). A Comprehensive Approach to Stuttering Therapy in Older Children, Adolescents, and Adults. Three hour seminar presented at the Utah Speech and Hearing Association’s Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 04/2001.
- Pilczuk, Z., Shaum, J., Blomgren, M., Wambaugh, J. (2000). Vowel and word durations of stutterers and nonstutterers: Contextual effects. Poster presented at the ASHA National Convention, Washington, DC. (Abstract published in the ASHA leader, August 2000). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/2000.
- Smith, S., O’Brien, Blomgren, M., Wambaugh, J. (2000). Segment durations of stutterer’s and nonstutterer’s speech in a complex speech task. Poster presented at the ASHA National Convention, Washington, DC. (Abstract published in the ASHA leader, August, 2000). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/2000.
- Blomgren, M. (2000). Programming articulatory and temporal complexity in stuttering therapy: New approaches. Mini-seminar presented at the 3rd World Congress on Fluency Disorders, Nyborg, Denmark. (Abstract published in Journal of Fluency Disorders, 25, p.246). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 07/2000.
- Blomgren, M. (1999). A multidimensional slice of the stuttering pie: Applying dynamic systems theory. Technical paper presented at the ASHA National Convention, San Francisco, CA. (Abstract published in the Asha Leader, September, 1999). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/1999.
- Blomgren, M. (1999). Swallowing Disorders and the Stroke Patient. Seminar presented at the Connecticut Visiting Nurses Association (VNA) Rehabilitation Conference. Manchester, CT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 02/1999.
- Blomgren, M. (1998). The Rehabilitation Team and The Role of Speech-Language Pathology. Seminar presented at the Connecticut VNA Rehabilitation Conference. Vernon, CT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 02/1998.
- Blomgren, M., Chen, Y., Ng, M., & Gilbert, H. (1997). Acoustic, aerodynamic, physiologic, and perceptual characteristics of modal and vocal fry registers. Poster presented at the ASHA National Convention, Boston, MA. (Abstract published in the Asha Leader, August, 1997). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/1997.
- Blomgren, M., & Robb, M. (1997). Characteristics of vowel centralization in fluent speech. Poster presented at the ASHA National Convention, Boston, MA. (Abstract published in Asha Leader, August, 1997). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/1997.
- Blomgren, M. & Robb, M. (1997). Estimates of vowel centralization in adults who stutter. Poster presented at The 133rd meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Penn State University, State College, PA. (Abstract published in J. Acoust. Soc. Am., May 1997). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 10/1997.
- Chen, Y., Blomgren, M., Ng, M., & Gilbert, H. (1997). Acoustic, aerodynamic, and physiologic characteristics of modal and vocal fry registers. Poster presented at The 133rd meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Penn State University, State College, PA. (Abstract published in J. Acoust. Soc. Am., May 1997). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 10/1997.
- Blomgren, M. (1996). How steady are vowel steady-states? Poster presented at ASHA National Convention, Seattle, WA. (Abstract published in Asha, September, 1996). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/1996.
- Blomgren, M. (1995). Evaluation and treatment of stuttering in adolescents and adults. Two day seminar presented at the Maine Association of Speech Pathologists and Audiologists Annual Convention, Ogunquit, ME. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 04/1995.
- Blomgren, M. (1995). Current trends in stuttering treatment. Seminar presented at the Department of Speech Pathology, University of Maine. Orono, ME. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 03/1995.
- Blomgren, M. & Robb, M. (1994). Analysis of formant frequency fluctuation in stutterers and non-stutterers. Poster presented at the ASHA National Convention, New Orleans, LA. (Abstract published in Asha, October, 1994). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/1994.
- Blomgren, M. (1994). Stuttering treatment: The state of the art in 1994. Seminar presented at the annual meeting of the British Columbia Association of People Who Stutter. Kamloops, B.C. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 04/1994.
- Blomgren, M. & Robb, M. (1993). Speech coarticulation in stutterers and nonstutterers. Poster presented at the ASHA National Convention, Anaheim, CA. (Abstract published in Asha, October, 1993). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/1993.
- Blomgren, M. (1992). A comparison of speech coarticulation in stutterers and nonstutterers. Poster presented at the Hawaii Speech-Language-Hearing Association (HSHA) 15th Annual Communication Disorders Conference, Honolulu, HI. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 03/1992.
- Simmons, J., Condon, M., & Blomgren, M. (1991). Relative timing of English in native Cantonese and Mandarin Speakers. Poster presented at the ASHA National Convention, Atlanta, GA. (Abstract published in Asha, October, 1991). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/1991.
- Blomgren, M., Simmons, J., & Condon, M. (1990). Frequency and voicing characteristics in non-native speakers of English. Technical paper presented at the ASHA National Convention, Seattle, WA. (Abstract published in Asha, October, 1990). Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 11/1990.
Research Groups
- Brain Institute, Research Professor. 09/2006 - present.
Grants, Contracts & Research Gifts
- Allergan Julido Speech Study - US. PI: Michael Blomgren. Allergan Inc, 12/01/2011 - 12/01/2013. Total project budget to date: $39,025.00
- English, fluent.
Geographical Regions of Interest
- Rwanda
Worked with the National University of Rwanda to establish a training scholarhsip for a graduate student in speech-language pathology.
- Roy, N., Detrich, M., Blomgren, M., Heller, A., Houtz, D.R. & Lee, J. (2019). Exploring the neural bases of primary muscle tension dysphonia: A case study using functional magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Voice. Vol. 33, 183-194. Published, 02/15/2019.
- Bailey, D., Blomgren, M., DeLong, C., Berggren, K., & Wambaugh, J. (2017). Quantification and systematic characterization of stuttering-like disfluencies in acquired apraxia of speech. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 26, 641-648. Published, 06/2017.
- Whitfield, J.A., DeLong, C., Goberman, A.M., Blomgren, M. (2017). Fluency adaptation in speakers with Parkinson disease: a motor learning perspective. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, Early Online, 1-9. Published, 06/2017.
- Alqhazo, M., Blomgren, M., Roy, N., & Awwad, M. (2016). Discrimination and internalised feeling experienced by people who stutter in Jordan. International Journal of Speech Language Pathology, Early Online, 1-10. Published, 04/2016.
- Matthews, D. & Blomgren, M. (2016) Modifying Phonation Intervals (MPI) therapy compared to standard prolonged speech treatment. Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention. Published, 04/2016.
- Dehqan, A., Yadegari, F., Blomgren, M. & Scherer, R. (2016). Formant transitions in the fluent speech of Farsi-speaking people who stutter. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 48, 1-15. Published, 03/2016.
- Bosshardt, H-G., Packman, A., Blomgren, M., & Kretschmann, J. (2015). Measuring stuttering in preschool-age children across different languages: An international study. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 67, 221-230. Published, 09/2015.
- Lee, A., Robb, M., Ormond, T. & Blomgren, M. (2014). The role of language familiarity in bilingual stuttering assessment. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics. Vol. 10, 723-40. Published, 02/2014.
- Blomgren, M. (2013). Behavioral treatments for children and adults who stutter: a review. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 6, 9-19. Published, 06/2013.
- Blomgren, M. (2012). A review of the Successful Stuttering Management Program. In S. Jelcic Jaksic & M. Onslow, Eds., The Science and Practice of Stuttering Treatment. West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 978-0-470-67158-0. Published, 09/2012.
- Blomgren, M., McCormick Richburg, C., Rhodehouse, S., & Redmond, S. (2012). Is speed of stimulus categorization slower in stuttering speakers? A cognitive event-related potential study. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing, 15, 211-229. Published, 09/2012.
- Maguire, G., Franklin, D., Vatakis, N., Morgenshtern, E., Denko, T., Yaruss, S., Spotts, C., Davis, L., Davis, A., Fox., P., Poonam, S., Blomgren, M., Silverman, A., Riley, G. (2010). Exploratory randomized clinical study of Pagoclone in persistent developmental stuttering: The EXPRESS Trial. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 30, 48-56. Published, 07/2010.
- Goberman, A., Blomgren, M., & Metzger, E. (2010). Characteristics of speech disfluency in Parkinson Disease. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 23, 470-478. Published, 07/2010.
- Blomgren, M. (2010). Stuttering treatment for adults: An update on contemporary approaches. Seminars in Speech & Language, 31(4), 272-282. Published, 07/2010.
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- Goberman, A., & Blomgren, M. (2008). Fundamental frequency offset & onset in individuals with Parkinson Disease. Journal of Voice, 22, 178-191. Published, 07/2008.
- Blomgren, M., & Goberman, A. (2008). Revisiting speech rate and utterance length manipulations in stuttering speakers. Journal of Communication Disorders, 41, 159-178. Published, 07/2008.
- Blomgren, M. (2007). Stuttering treatment outcomes measurement: Assessing above and below the surface. Perspectives on Fluency and Fluency Disorders., 17: 3, 19-23.. Published, 11/2007.
- Blomgren, M., Roy, N., Callister, T., & Merrill, R. (2006). Assessing stuttering treatment without assessing stuttering? A response to Reitzes and Snyder. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 49, 1423-1426. Published, 06/2006.
- Blomgren, M., Roy, N., Callister, T., & Merrill, R. (2006). Treatment outcomes research: A response to Ryan. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 49, 1415-1419. Published, 06/2006.
- Blomgren, M. (2005). Intensive stuttering therapy: A programmed approach for adults & adolescents. Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest Information & Learning. ISBN: 1-59399-181-9. Published, 10/2005.
- Blomgren, M., Roy, N. Callister, T., & Merrill, R. (2005). Intensive stuttering modification therapy: A multidimensional assessment of treatment outcomes. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 48, 509-523. Published, 07/2005.
- Blomgren, M., Roy, N., & Callister, T. (2004). The Successful Stuttering Management Program: Assessment of stuttering and speech rate. In A. Packman, A. Meltzer, and H. Peters (Eds.), Theory, Research and Therapy in Fluency Disorders. (pp. 179-183). Nijmegen: Nijmegen University Press. Published, 09/2004.
- Blomgren, M., & Nagarajan, S. (2004). Brain activation patterns in stuttering and nonstuttering speakers: Preliminary results and future directions. Perspectives on Fluency and Fluency Disorders, 14(1), 13-16. Published, 06/2004.
- Roy, N., Tanner, K., Gray, S., Blomgren, M., & Fisher, K. (2003). An evaluation of the effects of three laryngeal lubricants on phonation threshold pressure (PTP). Journal of Voice, 17, 331-342. Published, 06/2003.
- Goberman, A., & Blomgren, M. (2003). Parkinsonian speech disfluencies: Effects of L-dopa-related fluctuations. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 28, 55-70. Published, 06/2003.
- Blomgren, M., Nagarajan, S., Lee, J., Li, T., & Alvord, L. (2003). Preliminary results of a functional MRI study of brain activation patterns in stuttering and nonstuttering speakers during a lexical access task. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 28, 337-356. Published, 06/2003.
- Blomgren, M. (2002). Technology and the professional: New technology for treating speech and voice disorders, California Speech-language-Hearing Association (CSHA) Magazine, 31(4), 9-11. Published, 10/2002.
- Blomgren, M. & Nagarajan, S. (2002). Functional neuroimaging of speech production in people who stutter. Perspectives on Fluency and Fluency Disorders, 12(2), 3-6. Published, 06/2002.
- Blomgren, M. (2001). Stability of segment durations in stutterers’ and nonstutterers’ speech: Task complexity effects. The Proceedings of the 25th World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Montreal. Published, 10/2001.
- Roy, N., Leeper, H., Blomgren, M., Cameron, R. (2001). A description of phonetic, acoustic, and physiological changes associated with improved intelligibility in a spastic dysarthric speaker. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 10, 274 – 290. Published, 06/2001.
- Blomgren, M. (2001). Reinventing the wheel: New approaches to programming complexity in stuttering therapy. In H. Bosshardt, J. Yaruss, & H. Peters (Eds.), Fluency Disorders: Theory, Research, Treatment and Self-Help (pp. 114-118). Nijmegen: Nijmegen University Press. Published, 06/2001.
- Wolk, L., Blomgren, M., & Smith, A. (2000). The frequency of simultaneous disfluency and phonological disruption in children: Analysis of the moment of co-occurrence. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 25, 269-281. Published, 06/2000.
- Blomgren, M., Robb, M., & Chen, Y. (1998). A note on vowel centralization in stuttering and nonstuttering individuals. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 41, 1042-1051. Published, 06/1998.
- Robb, M., Blomgren, M., & Chen, Y. (1998). Formant frequency fluctuation in adults who stutter. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 23, 73 - 84. Published, 06/1998.
- Blomgren, M., Chen, Y., Ng, M., & Gilbert, H. (1998). Acoustic, aerodynamic, physiological, and perceptual characteristics of modal and vocal fry registers. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 103, 2649 - 2658. Published, 06/1998.
- Blomgren, M. & Robb, M. (1998). How steady are vowel steady-states? Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 5, 405-415. Published, 06/1998.
- Robb, M. & Blomgren, M. (1997). Analysis of F2 transitions in the speech of stutterers and non-stutterers. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 22, 1-16. Published, 06/1997.
- Blomgren, M. (1993). Stuttering: A brief attempt at a description. British Columbia Blockbuster, 3 (3), p.5. Published, 09/1993.
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