- Kuttner, P., & Antunes, A., Cachelin, A., Fitisemanu, L., Folau, M., Hart, S., & Salcedo, A., (2022). Establishing Principles for Community-Based Research: Story & Power in the Community Research Collaborative. Metropolitan Universities. Accepted, 03/16/2022.
- Joyner, L. & Yagüe, B., Cachelin, A., & Rose, J. (2022). Farms and gardens everywhere but not a bite to eat? A critical geographic approach to food apartheid in Salt Lake City. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development. Vol. 11(2).
Accepted, 02/14/2022. - Cachelin, A. & Nicolosi, E., (2022). Investigating critical community-engaged pedagogies for transformative environmental justice education. Environmental Education Research.
Accepted, 01/10/2022. - Cachelin, A. (2022). SPARC Environmental Justice Lab. Vol. 11. University Neighborhood Partners. Published, 01/2022.
- Cachelin, A. (2021). Glendale Voices. Vol. 10. University Neighborhood Partners. Published, 09/2021.
- Community Research Collaborative (2021). In it together: Community-based research guidelines for Communities and Higher Education. University Neighborhood Partners.
Published, 05/12/2021. - Cachelin, A. & Eliason, E., McNeill, L. & Edison, C. (2020). Nourishing a sense of place: Refugee foodways in the New West. University of Utah Press. Published, 04/2020.
- Adrienne Cachelin & Liz Ivkovich, Peter Jensen, Milo Neild (2019). Leveraging Foodways for Health and Justice. Local Environment. Published, 03/08/2019.
- Rose, J. & Cachelin, A., (2019). Critical sustainability: Incorporating critical theories into contested sustainabilities . Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. Accepted, 01/08/2019.
- Adrienne Cachelin & Jeff Rose (2019). Guiding questions for critical sustainabilities. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. Vol. 8, 570-572. Published, 01/01/2019.
- Carter, D. (2018). The Consumer Costs of Food Certification: A Pilot Study and Research Opportunities. Journal of Consumer Affairs. Accepted, 03/06/2018.
- Promotion vs. Education in Choosing Real Food. Published, 01/31/2017.
- Nourishing a Sense of Place: Refugee foodways in the New West. Accepted, 04/04/2016.
- Leveraging Place for Critical Sustainability Education: The Promise of Participatory Action Research Journal of Sustainability Education. Published, 02/11/2016.
- K-12 Education Changes in Knowledge and Attitude from a Short-Term Aquatic Education Program. Natural Sciences Education 44 (1),18-25. Published, 08/2015.
- Ward, M., Bowen, B., Burian, S., Cachelin, A., McCool, D. (2015) Institutionalizing sustainability curriculum at the University of Utah. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. Published, 06/2015.
- Savor: Stories of Community, Culture, & Food. Salt Lake City: Salt Lake Education Foundation, University Neighborhood Partners, & Utah Humanities Council.
Published, 06/2015. - Cachelin, A., Paisley, K., & Rose, J. Disrupting neoliberal discourse in environmental education: A qualitative analysis of intentional framing. Environmental Education Research. Published, 11/2014.
- Rose, J., & Cachelin, A. (2014). Critical sustainability in outdoor education: Place as a means to social justice and ecological integrity. Taproot Journal of Outdoor Education. 23(1), 7-16. Published, 02/2014.
- Cachelin, A. Ecojustice education: Learning to speak up and out. In Schwab, K., & Dustin, D. (Eds.), Just Leisure: Things We Believe In (135-138). Urbana: Sagamore. Published, 03/2013.
- Cachelin, A., Ruddell, E., The impact of language framing on sustainability education. Journal for Environmental Studies and Sciences. 3(3), 306-315. Published, 03/2013.
- Eastep, B., Cachelin, A., & Sibthorp, J. Affinity for nature: Theoretical foundations, scale development, and utility. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, & Leadership, 3(3), 126-136. Published, 06/2011.
- Cachelin, A., Rose, J., Dustin, D., & Shooter, W. Metaphorically Speaking: A Rejoinder to Mitten, Caston, Apelian, Slovin, and Gookin. The Journal of Sustainability Education, 2. Published, 03/2011.
- Cachelin, A., Rose, J., Dustin, D., & Shooter, W. Sustainability in outdoor education: Rethinking root metaphor. The Journal of Sustainability Education, 2. Published, 03/2011.
- Cachelin, A. What lies beyond social and environmental justice? An ecological narrative. In Paisley, K., & Dustin, D. (Eds.), Speaking Up and Speaking Out (193-200). Urbana: Sagamore. Published, 06/2010.
- Cachelin, A., Norvell, R., & Darling, A. Language fouls in teaching ecology: Why traditional metaphors undermine conservation literacy. Conservation Biology, 24 (3), 669-674. Published, 01/2010.
- Cachelin, A., Paisley, K., & Blanchard, A. Using significant life experience research to inform program evaluation: A case study of The Nature Conservancy’s Wings & Water wetlands education program. Journal of Environmental Education, 40(2), 2 - 14. Published, 04/2009.
- Cachelin, A., Paisley, K., & Dustin, D. Obligation and opportunity: A role for outdoor educators in the sustainability revolution. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, & Leadership Vol. 1(2), 141-150. Published, 04/2009.
Research Statement
My scholarship centers on the related areas of critical sustainability pedagogy and environmental justice. Using a critical participatory action framework to understand and ameliorate environmental injustices with community, I am able to integrate community-based scholarship as pedagogy.
- The value of community-based research in critical environmental justice pedagogy and practice. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 04/16/2018.
- Integrating sustainability across campus: engaging ideas and audiences. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 03/16/2017.
- Cachelin, A. (June 2016). Critical Sustainability & Food Justice. Association for Environmental Studies & Sciences. Washington, D.C. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 06/15/2016.
- *Cachelin, A., Peisner, I. (June 2015). Teaching for psychological wellbeing: Collective roles and student empowerment. Association for Environmental Studies & Sciences. San Diego, CA. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 06/17/2015.
- Cachelin, A. (March 2015). Eating for Health, Justice, & Sustainability, American Indian Science and Engineering Society Conference, SLC, UT. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 03/18/2015.
- Cachelin, A. (February 2015). Sustainability is Justice, EarthU Diversity Event, SLC, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 03/09/2015.
- Cachelin, A. (October, 2014). Languaging Sustainability Education. Utah Ecopsychology Conference, SLC, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 10/2014.
- Cachelin, A., McCool, D., Orana, B., Widener, J. (September, 2014) Native Peoples and Environmental Justice. Western Lands Western Voices, American West Center Conference SLC, UT. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 09/2014.
- Cachelin, A., Spencer, C., Rose, J. Co-constructing Critical Sustainability: The Anti-Session. Cultural Studies Association. May, 2014. Conference Paper, Refereed, Accepted, 05/2014.
- Cachelin, A., Walker-Bravo, A., Kawabata, M. (October, 2013). Integrating Social Justice and Environmental Education: A Simulation for Educators. North American Association for Environmental Education Conference, Baltimore, MD. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 10/2013.
- Cachelin, A. (September 2013). Eating for Justice and Sustainability, TEDx. Salt Lake City,
Invited Talk/Keynote,
Presented, 09/2013. - Cachelin, A. & Paisley, K. (July 2013). Food practice as leisure: reifying and contesting class. Leisure Studies Association. Manchester, UK. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 07/2013.
- Rose, J., & Cachelin, A. (November 2012). Association for Outdoor Recreation Education. Expanding sense of place: Fostering connections for sustainability. Snowbird, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 11/2012.
- Walker, A., Cachelin, A. (October 2012). Environmental education through a justice lens. North American Association for Environmental Education. Oakland, CA. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 10/2012.
- Cachelin, A. (May 2012). Learning to speak up and out. Working for Social and Environmental Justice through Parks, Recreation, Tourism, and Leisure. Salt Lake City, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/2012.
- Cachelin, A. (2012). Environmental Justice Online Course Development. Teaching and Learning Technologies Faculty Forum. University of Utah. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 03/2012.
- Heidinger, A., & Cachelin, A. (February 2012). Integrating Art & Science in the Field: Collecting Visual Data. Utah Arts Education Association. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 02/2012.
- Cachelin, A., Paisley, K., Ruddell, E. Communication for Sustainability Education. Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences Conference. Burlington, VT. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 06/2011.
- Cachelin, A., Eastep, B., & Sibthorp, J. (February, 2010). Affinity for nature: Operationalizing a key recreation and leisure construct. Coalition for Education in the Outdoors, Bradford Woods, IN. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 02/2010.
- Cachelin, A., Kucera, K., & Nedreberg, H. (October 2009). Lessons learned: Applying cognitive and affective evaluation to program design. North American Association for Environmental Education Conference, Portland OR. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 10/2009.