Professor (Lecturer), Mechanical Engineering
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
- Omid Atlaschian & M Metzger (2020). Numerical model of vertical axis wind turbine performance in realistic gusty wind conditions. Renewable Energy. Vol. 165, 211-223.
Published, 11/17/2020.
- E. Maric & M Metzger (2018). Sensitivity of surface drag predictions using Monin–Obukhov similarity theory in non‐ideal flow conditions. Environmental Fluids Mechanics. 1-26.
Published, 10/2018.
- M. Metzger, A. Fershtut, C. Kunkel & J. Klewicki (2017). Reynolds number scaling of pocket events in the viscous sublayer. Physical Review Fluids. Vol. 2, 1-14.
Published, 12/2017.
- L. Nguyen & M. Metzger (2017). Optimization of a vertical axis wind turbine for application in an urban/suburban area. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy. Vol. 9, 1-23.
Published, 08/2017.
- “Comparison of forecasting methods for vertical axis wind turbine applications in an urban/suburban area,” L. Nguyen and M. Metzger, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 9, 023302, 1–22 (2017).
Published, 03/13/2017.
- "Enhanced energy capture by a vertical axis wind turbine during gusty winds in an urban/suburban environment", Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, v.7 053118, 22 pgs. (2015).
Published, 07/01/2015.
- Guala, M, LeHew, J, Metzger, M, McKeon, BJ, "On the structure of wall turbulence in the thermally neutral atmospheric surface layer" in Coherent Flow Structures in Geophysical Flows at the Earth's surface", ed. J Venditti, pg. 97-110, Wiley-Blackwell (2013).
Published, 10/2013.
- M. Guala, J. LeHew, M. Metzger & B. McKeon (2013). On the structure of wall turbulence in the thermally neutral atmospheric surface layer. (pp. 97-110). Coherent Flow Structures at Earth's Surface.
Published, 08/2013.
- Interactions within the turbulent boundary layer at high Reynolds number, M. Guala, M. Metzger, B. J. McKeon, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v. 666, 573-604 (2011).
Published, 01/2011.
- "Coherent features in the sensitivity field of a planar mixing layer", M. Zayernouri and M. Metzger, Physics of Fluids, v. 23, 025105, 19. pp. (2011).
Published, 01/2011.
- Scaling the characteristic time of the bursting process in the turbulent boundary layer, M. Metzger, B. J. McKeon, E. Arce-Larreta, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, v. 239, 1296-1304 (2010).
Published, 01/2010.
- Direct numerical simulation of sensitivity coefficients in low Reynolds number turbulent channel flow, R. Kirkman, M. Metzger, Journal of Turbulence, v. 10, no. 1468-5248, 2009.
Published, 2009.
- "Direct numerical simulation of sensitivity coefficients in low Reynolds number turbulent channel flow", R. Kirkman and M. Metzger, Journal of Turbulence, v. 10, 1-21 (2009).
Published, 01/2009.
- "Time scales in the unstable atmospheric surface layer", M. Metzger and H. Holmes, Boundary Layer Meteorology, v. 126, 29-50, 2008.
Published, 2008.
- "Mean momentum balance in moderately favourable pressure gradient turbulent boundary layers", M. Metzger, A. Lyons, and P. Fife, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v. 617, 107-140, 2008.
Published, 2008.
- "Statistical structure of the fluctuating wall pressure and its in-plane gradients at high Reynolds number", J. Klewicki, P. Priyadarshana, M. Metzger, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v. 609, 195-220, 2008.
Published, 2008.
- “Elevated track for measuring lift and drag coefficients of UAV wings”, M. Anderson and M Metzger, IMECE 2019–1362, International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Nov. 9–13, Salt Lake City, UT (2019).
Conference Paper, Refereed,
Presented, 11/09/2019.
- “Improved prediction of energy generation from vertical-axis wind turbines operating in realistic unsteady wind conditions”, O. Atlaschian and M Metzger, IMECE 2019–13738, International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Nov. 9–13, Salt Lake City, UT (2019).
Conference Paper, Refereed,
Presented, 11/09/2019.
- “Vertical axis wind turbine: Improvement in performance prediction using computational fluid dynamics”, ASME Power Conference, July 15–18, Snowbird, UT (2019).
Conference Paper, Refereed,
Presented, 07/15/2019.
- On the Fall Velocity of a Hydrometeor in a Turbulent Flow, A. Talaei, T. Garrett, K. Fitch, M. Metzger, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington DC, Dec 10-14 (2018).
Conference Paper, Refereed,
Presented, 12/2018.
- Stability Effects on the Evolution of Very Large Scale Motions as the Atmospheric Surface Layer Transitions through Neutral Thermal Stability, E. Maric and M.METZGER@UTAH.EDU Metzger, 23rd Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, Oklahoma City, OK, June 11-15, (2018).
Conference Paper, Refereed,
Presented, 06/2018.
- “Comparison of forecasting methods for vertical axis wind turbine applications in an urban/suburban area,” L. Nguyen and M. Metzger, Environment and Sustainability Research Symposium, Feb 8, Salt Lake City, UT (2017).
Conference Paper, Refereed,
Presented, 02/2017.
- Comparison of Forecasting Methods for Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Applications in an Urban/Suburban Area, L. Nguyen and M.METZGER@UTAH.EDU Metzger, Environment and Sustainability 2017 Research Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT, Feb 2 (2017).
Presented, 02/2017.
- "Enhanced energy capture by the vertical axis wind turbine during gusty winds in an urban/suburban environment", L. Nguyen and M. Metzger, ASME Power and Energy Conference, June 26-30, Charlotte, NC, 2016.
Conference Paper, Refereed,
Presented, 06/2016.
- Accuracy of Surface Drag Coefficient Predictions using Monin-Obukhov Similarity Theory, E. Maric and M. Metzger, 22nd Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, Salt Lake City, UT, June 20-24 (2016).
Conference Paper, Refereed,
Presented, 06/2016.
- “AccuracyofsurfacedragcoefficientpredictionsusingMonin-Obukhovsimilaritythe- ory,” E. Maric and M. Metzger, 22nd Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, June 20–24, Salt Lake City, UT (2016).
Conference Paper, Refereed,
Presented, 06/2016.
- "A comparison of forecasting methods for vertical axis wind turbine applications in an urban/suburban area", L. Nguyen and M. Metzger, ASME Power and Energy Conference, June 26-30, Charlotte, NC, 2016.
Conference Paper, Refereed,
Presented, 06/2016.
- "Local suppression of turbulent noise by passively inducing relaminarization", R. Kirkman and M. Metzger, 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Nov 21-23, Long Beach, CA (2010).
Conference Paper, Refereed,
Presented, 11/2010.
- "Computational sensitivity analysis of geometric parameters in laminar superhydrophobic microchannels", A. Yarahmadi and M. Metzger, 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Nov 21-23, Long Beach, CA (2010).
Conference Paper, Refereed,
Presented, 11/2010.
- "Direct numerical simulation of sensitivity coefficients in low-Reynolds number turbulent channel flow", R. Kirkman and M. Metzger, 5th AIAA Theoretical Fluid Mechanics Conference, Seattle, WA June 23-26, 2008.
Invited Talk/Keynote,
Presented, 2008.