Sharifa Al-Qaaydeh PhD, RN
  • Prelicensure Track Director, College Of Nursing
  • Associate Professor (Clinical), College Of Nursing


  • Hull, W., Al-Qaaydeh, S., Krahulec, M. & Wall, J. Using Kahoot!+ Max® as a Platform for Unfolding Case Study Presentation and Formative Assessment of Competency. AACN Transform Conference. Poster, Presented, 12/2023.
  • Al-Qaaydeh, S., Sward, K. A. & Linder, L. A. Perceived Usefulness and User Satisfaction of Electronic and Paper-and-Pencil Symptom Tracking Diaries for Young Children with Cancer: Parent Perspectives. APHON Annual Meeting. Presentation, Presented, 09/01/2020.
  • “Parent’s Report of Physical Symptoms in Young Children with Cancer”, WIN Annual Research Conference. Presentation, Presented, 04/16/2018.
  • Identifying Changes in Comfort and Worry Among Pediatric Nursing Students Following Clinical Rotations. Nursing and Healthcare Congress, Vanvouver, Canada. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 10/2016.
  • Identifying Student Clinical Comfort & Worry in the Pediatric Setting: A Multi-Site study. Presentation, Presented, 10/2015.
  • "Identifying Student Clinical Comfort & Worry in the Pediatric Setting: A Multi-Site study". Poster, Presented, 01/2015.
  • “Parents as Proxy in Reporting Symptoms: A Literature Review, STTI Biennial Convention, Indianapolis, IN. Poster, Presented, 11/2013.
  • “Using Parents As Proxy for Reporting Symptoms In Young Children with Cancer”, APHON Annual Meeting. Poster, Presented, 10/2012.
  • “Exploratory factor analysis of the pediatric nursing student clinical comfort and worry assessment tool”, Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting. Poster, Presented, 04/2012.
  • "Increasing Quality in Pediatric Nursing Clinical Education". Presentation, Presented, 04/2011.
  • "Late-effects of Pediatric Cancer: What do Children Know about their Past and Future?". Poster, Presented, 04/2010.
  • "Late-Effects of Pediatric Cancer, Development of a Disease and Treatment Portfolio". Poster, Presented, 09/2009.
  • Muslims in Healthcare. Presentation, Presented, 04/2009.
  • Evaluating student perceptions of pediatric nursing. Poster, Presented, 04/2008.
  • "Evaluating Student Perceptions of Pediatric Nursing". Poster, Presented, 04/2008.
  • Refugees in Utah. Presentation, Presented, 04/2008.
  • "Oncologic Emergencies". Presentation, Presented, 11/2007.
  • "Nursing Care of the BMT Patient". Presentation, Presented, 11/2007.
  • "Death and Dying in Children". Presentation, Presented, 08/2006.

Research Groups

  • Symptoms and Palliative Care, Graduate Student. RITe Group. 01/01/2012 - 01/01/2016.

Grants, Contracts & Research Gifts

  • “Integrating CBE Assessment Strategies through Unfolding Case Studies across Sequential Nursing Courses”. PI: Melody Krahulec. Co-PI(s): Josh Wall, Will Hull. The College of Nursing Excellence in Education , 07/2023 - present. Total project budget to date: $0.00
  • "Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Pediatric Nursing Student Clinical Comfort and Worry Assessment Tool”. PI: Sharifa Al-Qaaydeh & Madeline Lassche. Co-PI(s): Chris Macintosh and Janelle Macintosh. University of Utah College of Nursing, 07/2013 - 07/2015. Total project budget to date: $4,985.00
  • “Physical Symptoms in Young Children with Cancer: Comparison of Electronic Versus Paper-and-Pencil Diaries”. PI: Sharifa Al-Qaaydeh. Co-PI(s): Committee Members: Dr. Lauri Linder, Dr. Susan Beck, Dr. Bob Wong, Dr, Kathy Sward and Dr. Christina Baggott.. Sigma Theta Tau Int'l Gamma Rho Chapter Research Grant, 04/2013 - 04/2014. Total project budget to date: $1,000.00

Research with Others



RWJ Pain Management and Nursing Care Quality Study

University of Utah College of Nursing, Salt Lake City, UT

Research Assistant



Fish and Evolutionary Changes

Earthwatch Institute, Cuatro Cienegas, Mexico

Student Researcher



  • Arabic, basic.
  • English, fluent.


  • Linder, L., Al-Qaaydeh, S., & Donaldson, G. (2018). Symptom characteristics among hospitalized children and adolecents with cancer. Cancer Nursing. Vol. 41(1), 23-32. Published, 01/2018.
  • Beck SL, Brant JM, Donohue R, Smith EM, Towsley G, Berry PH, Guo JW, Al-Qaaydeh S, Pett MA & Donaldson G (2016). Oncology Nursing Certification: Relation to Nurses' Knowledge and Attitudes About Pain, Patient-Reported Pain Care Quality, and Pain Outcomes. Oncology nursing forum. Vol. 43, 67-76. Published, 01/2016.
  • Al-Qaaydeh, S., Lassche, M., & Macintosh, C. (2012). Exploratory factor analysis of the pediatric nursing student clinical comfort and worry assessment tool. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 27(5), e39-43. doi: 10.1016/j.pedn.2012.05.003. Published, 10/2012.
  • Lassche, M., Al-Qaaydeh, S., Macintosh, C., & Black, M. (2012). Identifying changes in comfort and worry among pediatric nursing students following clinical rotations. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 28(1), 48-54. doi:10.1016/j.pedn.2012.05.003. Published, 01/2012.
  • Al-Qaaydeh, S. (2011). Adult survivors of pediatric cancer: What do they know about their past and future? Oncology Nurse Advisor, 3(4), 20-26. Published, 02/2011.
  • University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT - Contributor, “College of Nursing Psychiatric-Mental Health Graduate Handbook”. Published, 05/2008.