- French, basic.
- Spanish, functional.
Geographical Regions of Interest
- Europe
- United States of America
- Canada
Research Keywords
- public health policy
- politics of regulation
- politics of migration
- comparative public policy
- European politics
- Movement and Voting in the European Union; York University Center for Excellence, Conference on Future of European Citizenship. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 10/19/2012.
- Modern-Day Conservatism; University of Oxford. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/01/2012.
- Sex Trafficking, Coercion, and the Problem of Cross-Border Crimes. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 04/10/2012.
- Francis, Leslie & Francis, John G. (2017). Privacy: What Everyone Needs to Know. Oxford University Press. Published, 07/07/2017.
- Peele, Gillian & Francis, John G. (2016). David Cameron and Conservative Renewal: The Limits of Modernisation. Manchester University Press. Published, 01/07/2016.
- Francis, J & Francis, L. “Privacy, Confidentiality, and Justice: Using Large-Scale Sets of Health Data to Improve Public Health,” Journal of Social Philosophy 45(3): 408-431. Published, 11/01/2014.
- Trafficking in Human Beings: Partial Compliance Theory, Enforcement Failure, and Obligations to Victims. In Poverty, Agency and Human Rights, ed. Diana Meyers. (Oxford University Press, 2014). Published, 05/2014.
- Francis, Leslie P. & Francis, John G. “Informatics and Public Health Surveillance,” (13,429 words, in press in Bioinformatics Law: Legal Issues for Computational Biology in the Post-Genome Era, ed. Jorge Contreras & James Cuticcia (American Bar Association, 2013). Published, 03/01/2013.
- Francis, Leslie P. & Francis, John G. 2013. “Data Citizenship & Informed Consent,” American Journal of Bioethics (peer commentary, 1500 words). Published, 01/15/2013.
- Francis, L & Francis J. 2013. “HIV Treatment as Prevention: Not an Argument for Continuing Criminalization of HIV Transmission,” International Journal of Law in Context 9(4): 520-534.
Published, 01/09/2013. - Francis, L & Francis, J. 2011. Criminalizing Health-Related Behaviors Dangerous to Others? Disease Transmission, Transmission-Facilitation, and the Importance of Trust, Journal of Criminal Law and Philosophy, (DOI) 10.1007/s11572-011-9136-7. Published, 12/15/2011.
- Francis, J Reforming Undergraduate Professional Education, University News (India), December 12-18, 2011. Published, 12/12/2011.
- 2010 Francis, L. & Francis, J. “Group Compromise: Perfect Cases Make Problematic Generalizations,” American Journal of Bioethics 10(9): 25-26. Published, 07/2011.
- 2010 Francis, L. & Francis, J. “Stateless crimes, legitimacy, and international criminal law: the case of organ trafficking.” Criminal Law and Philosophy, epub ahead of print DOI: 10.1007/s11572-010-9100-y. Published, 07/2011.
- 2009 Francis, L. & Francis J. “Partial Compliance Theory and the International Criminal Court,” in Larry May and Zachary Hoskins, eds., Philosophy and International Criminal Law. New York: Cambridge University Press. Published, 2009.
- 2009 Francis, J. & Francis, L. “Rights Variation within a Federalist System: The Importance of Mobility,” Political Research Quarterly, epub ahead of print, doi:10.1177/1065912909340893. Published, 2009.