- Fifth-Amendment Self Incrimination,” in Heritage Guide to the Consitution (3d ed. forthcoming 2025). Accepted, 01/2025.
- Paul Cassell & Edna Erez (2023). How Victim Impact Statements Promote Justice: Evidence from the Content of Statements Delivered in Larry Nassar's Sentencing. Marquette Law Review.
Accepted, 11/07/2023. - Defining “Victim” Through Harm: Crime Victim Status in the Crime Victims’ Rights Act and Other Victims’ Rights Enactments, ___ AM. CRIM. L. REV. __ (forthcoming 2023) (with Michael Morris). Accepted, 01/2023.
- Book Review, of Mary Iliadis, Adversarial Justice and Victims’ Rights: Reconceptualising the Role of Sexual Assault Victims, 28 Int'l Rev. of Victimology 369 (2022). Published, 01/2022.
- Circumventing the Crime Victims’ Rights Act: A Critical Analysis of the Eleventh Circuit’s Decision Upholding Jeffrey Epstein’s Secret Non-Prosecution Agreement, 2021 Mich. St. L. Rev. 211 (2021) (with Bradley J. Edwards & Jordan Peck). Published, 07/19/2021.
- Explaining the Recent Homicide Spikes in U.S. Cities: The "Minneapolis Effect" and the Decline in Proactive Policing, 32 Fed. Sentencing Rep. 83 (Dec. 2020). Published, 01/04/2021.
- Transforming Crime Victims’ Rights: From Myth to Reality, Int'l J. of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice (published online December 10, 2020) (with Robyn Holder & Tyrone Kirchengast). Published, 12/01/2020.
- Homicide Stats Show "Minneapolis Effect", Wall St. J. (published online Sept. 16, 2020). Published, 09/16/2020.
- Paul G. Cassell & Margaret Garvin (2020). “Protecting Crime Victims in State Constitutions: The Example of the New Marsy’s Law for Florida,”. 110 J. of Criminal Law & Criminology 99.
Published, 03/05/2020. - Does Bail Reform Increase Crime? An Empirical Assessment of the Public Safety Implications of Bail Reform in Cook County, Illinois, 56 Wake Forest L. Rev. 933 (2020 (with Richard Fowles). Published, 09/16/2019.
- The Amy, Vicky, and Andy Act: A Modest Step Forward Towards Full Restitution for Child Pornography Victims. 31 Fed. Sentencing Rept'r 187 (co-author with James Marsh). Published, 02/01/2019.
- What Caused the 2016 Chicago Homicide Spike? An Empirical Examination of the "ACLU Effect" and the Role of Stop and Frisks in Preventing Gun Violence. 2018 Univ. of Illinois L. Rev. 1581 (co-author with Richard Fowles). Published, 01/04/2019.
- Overstating America’s Wrongful Conviction Rate? Reassessing the Conventional Wisdom About the Prevalence of Wrongful Convictions, 60 Ariz. L. Rev. 815 (2018). Published, 11/01/2018.
- Jurisdiction-Specific Wrongful Conviction Rate Estimates: The North Carolina and Utah Examples, 60 Ariz. L. Rev. 891 (2018). Published, 11/01/2018.
- Tradeoffs Between Wrongful Convictions and Wrongful Acquittals: Analyzing the Risks and Avoiding the Risks, 48 Seton Hall L. Rev. 1435 (2018). Published, 10/15/2018.
- The Miranda Decision is Showing Its Age and Should Be Replaced: And Prosecutors Now Have an Argument They Can Make to that Effect, Utah Bar Journal Vol. 31 No. 5 (2018). Published, 10/15/2018.
- Victims in Criminal Procedure (with Douglas Beloof, Steven J. Twist, and Margaret Garvin, 4th ed. (Carolina Academic Press, 2018). Published, 08/2018.
- Policy Paper: The Need to Enhance Victims’ Rights in the Florida Constitution to Fully Protect Crime Victims’ Rights. Paper distributed to the Florida Constitutional Revision Commission. Published, 12/12/2017.
- Crime Victims’ Rights, in Academy for Justice: A Report on Scholarship and Criminal Justice Reform. Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law, Arizona State University. Published, 01/2017.
- Still Handcuffing the Cops After all These Years: A Review of Fifty Years of Empirical Evidence of Miranda’s Harmful Effects on Law Enforcement, 97 Boston U.L. Rev. 687 (co-author with Richard Fowles). Published, 01/2017.
- Can We Protect the Innocent Without Freeing the Guilty? Thoughts on the Innocence Movement and Avoiding Harmful Tradeoffs, in Twenty Five Years of Innocence Exonerations (Cambridge Univ. Press). Published, 01/2017.
- Not Just "Kiddie Porn": The Real Harms from Possession of Child Pornography, appearing in Refining Child Pornography Law: Crime, Language, and Social Consequence (Mich. Univ. Press). Published, 07/2016.
- Full Restitution for Child Pornography Victims: The Supreme Court's Paroline Decision and the Need for a Congressional Response, 13 Ohio St. J. Crim. L. 5 (co-author with James Marsh).
Published, 06/2015. - Introduction: The Maturing Victims’ Rights Movement, 13 Ohio St. J. Crim L. Published, 01/2015.
- The Fifth Amendment’s Criminal Procedure Provisions, National Constitution Center’s Interactive Constitution Project (2015) (co-authority with Yale Law Prof. Kate Stith). Published, 01/2015.
- The Case for Full Restitution for Child Pornography Victims (with James Marsh, and Jeremy M. Christiansen) 82 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 61 (2014).
Published, 05/2014. - Protecting Crime Victims' Rights Before Charges are Filed: The Need for Expansive Interpretation of the Crime Vitims' Rights Act and Similar State Statutes, (with Nathaniel J. Mitchell and Bradley J. Edwards) 104 J. Crim. L. Criminology 59 (2014).
Published, 02/2014. - Public Defenders Fall to the Sequester, Wall St. J., Aug 20, 2013, at A-9 (Co-author with Nancy Gertner).
Published, 08/20/2013. - The Victim's Rights Amendment: Testimony before the Constitution Subcomm. of the House Judiciary Committee (Apr. 26, 2012) (Washington, D.C.).
Published, 04/26/2012. - Freeing the Guilty Without Protecting the Innocent: Some Skeptical Observations on Proposed New 'Innocence' Procedures, 56 N.Y.L. Sch. L. Rev. 1063 (2012).
Published, 01/2012. - The Victims' Rights Amendment: A Sympathetic, Clause-By-Clause Analysis of the Proposal, 5 Phoenix L. Rev. 301 (2012) (lead symposium Article).
Published, 01/2012. - Crime's, Courts and Cures: Reviewing The Collapse of American Criminal Justice, Wall St. J., Oct. 26, 2011, at A13.
Published, 10/26/2011., Refereed Journal/SB... - Protecting Taxpayers and Crime Victims: The Case for Restricting Utah's Preliminary Hearings to Felony Offenses, (Tomas Goodwin) Utah L. Rev. v. 2011 no. 4 (2011).
Published, 01/2011. - The Crime Victims' Expanding Role in a System of Public Prosecution: A Response to the Crime Victims' Rights Act, (with Steven Joffee) 105 Nw. U. L. Rev.: Colloquy 164 (2011).
Published, 01/2011. - Sense and Sensibility in Mandatory Minimum Sentencing (with Erik Luna) 23 Fed. Sent'g Rep. 219 (2011). Published, 01/2011.
- Victim Impact Statements and Ancillary Harm: The American Perspective (with Edna Erez) 15 Canadian Crim. L. Rev. 149 (2011).
Published, 01/2011. - Judicial Discretion: A Look Forward and a Look Back Five Years After "Booker," 22 Fed. Sent'g Rep. 297 (June 2010) (symposium organizer & participant). Published, 06/2010.
- Mandatory Minimalism, 32 Cardozo L. Rev. 1(with Erik Luna).
Published, 01/2010. - Protecting Crime Victims in Federal Appellate Courts: The Need to Broadly Construe the Crime Victims' Rights Act's Mandamus Provision, 87 Denv. U. L. Rev. 599 (2010).
Published, 01/2010. - Victims in Criminal Procedure (with Douglas Beloof & Steven J. Twist) (Carolina Academic Press 3rd ed.).
Published, 01/2010. - Protecting Crime Victims' Rights in the Federal Sentencing Process: Testimony before the U.S. Sentencing Commission (Oct. 20, 2009) (Denver, Colo.).
Published, 10/20/2009. - In Defense of Victim Impact Statements, 6 Ohio St. J. Crim. L. 611 (2009).
Published, 01/2009. - In Defense of the Death Penalty, 2 J. of the Inst. for the Advancement of Crim. Just. 15 (Summer 2008), reprinted in 42 The Prosecutor 10 (October 2008).
Published, 10/2008. - Improving Restitution in Federal Criminal Cases: Testimony before the Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security Subcomm. of the H. Judiciary Comm. (Apr. 3, 2008) (Washington, D.C.). Published, 04/03/2008.
- What's Wrong with Democracy? A Critique of 'The Supreme Court and the Politics of Death,' (with Joshua K. Marquis) 94 Va. L. Rev. 65 (2008).
Published, 01/2008. - Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Practices: Testimony before the Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security Subcomm. of the H. Judiciary Comm. (June 26, 2007) (Washington, D.C.).
Published, 06/26/2007. - Treating Crime Victims Fairly: Integrating Victims into the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, 2007 Utah L. Rev. 861 (2007).
Published, 01/2007. - Victims' Rights under the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines: Testimony before the U.S. Sentencing Comm. (Mar. 15, 2006) (Washington, D.C.). Published, 03/152006.
- Federal Sentencing Practices: Testimony before the Crime Subcomm. of the H. Judiciary Comm., Mar. 16, 2006 (Washington, D.C.) (Washington, D.C.). Published, 01/2006.
- Crime Shouldn't Pay: A Proposal to Create an Effective and Constitutional Federal Anti-Profiting Statute, 19 Fed. Sent'g Rep. 119 (2006).
Published, 01/2006. - Booker's Impact on Federal Sentencing: Testimony before the U.S. Sentencing Comm. (Feb. 15, 2005) (Washington, D.C.). Published, 02/152005.
- The Victim's Right to Attend the Trial: The Reascendant National Consensus (with Douglas Beloof), 9 Lewis & Clark L. Rev. 481 (2005).
Published, 01/2005. - Recognizing Victims in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure: Amendments in Light of the Crime Victims' Rights Act, 2005 BYU L. Rev. 835 (2005).
Published, 01/2005. - The Effects of Blakely v. Washington on the Federal Judicial System: Testimony before the S. Judiciary Comm. (July 12, 2004) (Washington, D.C.). Published, 06/12/2004.
- Too Severe? A Defense of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines (And a Critique of the Federal Mandatory Minimums), 56 Stan. L. Rev. 1017 (2004).
Published, 01/2004. - Debating The Death Penalty: The Experts From Both Sides Make Their Case, (Hugo Bedau & Paul G. Cassell eds.,Oxford University Press 2004). Douglas Beloof, Paul G. Cassell & Steven J. Twist, Victims in Criminal Procedure (Carolina Academic Press 3rd ed. 2010).
Published, 01/2004. - The Severity of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines: Testimony before the ABA Kennedy Comm. (Nov. 13, 2003) (Washington, D.C.). Published, 11/13/2003.
- The Paths Not Taken: A Critique of the Supreme Court's Decision in 'Dickerson,' 99 Mich. L. Rev. 898 (2001).
Published, 01/2001. - We're not Executing the Innocent, Wall St. J., June 16, 2000, at A14. Published, 06/16/2000.
- A Tribute to Joe Grano: He Kept the Flame Alive, 46 Wayne L. Rev. 1215 (2000) (reviewing Joseph D. Grano, Confessions, Truth, and the Law (1993)). Published, 01/2000.
- Take Technicality out of Miranda, L.A. Times, Dec. 6, 1999, at B7. Published, 12/06/1999.
- Make Amends to Crime Victims, Wall St. J., July 20, 1999, at A22. Published, 07/20/1999.
- The Justice Department's Failure to Enforce 18 U.S.C. ¤ 3501: Testimony before the Subcomm. on Criminal Justice Oversight of the S. Judiciary Comm. (May 13, 1999) (Washington, D.C.). Published, 05/13/1999.
- The Right of Crime Victims to be Heard Throughout the Criminal Justice Process: Testimony before the Subcomm. on the Constitution of the S. Judiciary Comm. (May 1, 1999) (St. Louis, Mo.). Published, 05/01/1999.
- A Response to the Critics of the Victims' Rights Amendment: Testimony before the S. Judiciary Comm. (Mar. 24, 1999) (Washington, D.C.). Published, 03/24/1999.
- Habeas Corpus and Capital Punishment Legislation: Testimony before the Subcomm. on Government Information, Justice and Agriculture of the H. Government Operations Comm. (Feb. 26, 1999) (Tallahassee, Fla.). Published, 02/26/1999.
- Expert Testimony on False Confessions on behalf of the United States in United States v.Wildcat, No. CR-99-3-E-BLW (D. Idaho 1999) (provided report and testimony at preliminary hearing). Published, 01/1999.
- Barbarians at the Gates: A Reply to the Critics of the Victims' Rights Amendment, 1999 Utah L. Rev. 479 (1999).
Published, 01/1999. - The Guilty and the 'Innocent': An Examination of Alleged Cases of Wrongful Conviction from False Confessions, 22 Harv. J. L. & Pub. Pol'y 523 (1999).
Published, 01/1999. - The Statute that Time Forgot: 18 U.S.C. 3501 and the Overhauling of Miranda,'85 Iowa L. Rev. 175 (1999).
Published, 01/1999. - Sentence Structure, Wall St. J., Oct. 20, 1998, at A16 (reviewing Fear of Justice). Published, 10/20/1998.
- Embed the Rights of Victims in the Constitution, L.A. Times, July 6, 1998, at B7 (co-author with Laurence H. Tribe). Published, 07/06/1998.
- The Victims' Rights Amendment: Testimony before the S. Judiciary Comm. (Apr. 28, 1998) (Washington, D.C.). Published, 04/28/1998.
- Paying the Highest Price, Wash. Post Book World, Feb. 8, 1998, at A5 (reviewing anti-death penalty books). Published, 02/08/1998.
- Handcuffing the Cops? A Thirty Year Perspective on 'Miranda's' Effects on Law Enforcement, (with Richard Fowles) 50 Stan. L. Rev. 1055 (1998).
Published, 01/1998. - Declining Clearance Rates After 'Miranda': Coincidence or Consequence?, (with Richard Fowles) 50 Stan. L. Rev. 1181 (1998). Published, 01/1998.
- Protecting the Innocent from False Confessions and Lost Confessions-And from 'Miranda,' 88 J. Crim. L. & Criminology 497 (1998).
Published, 01/1998. - Evidence of Repeated Acts of Child Molestation and Rape: The Need to Reform Utah Law to Insure Admissibility (with Evan Strassberg)1998 Utah L. Rev. 145 (1998).
Published, 01/1998. - Another Law Janet Reno Doesn't Like, Wall St. J., Aug. 27, 1997, at A13 (co-author with Paul Kamenar). Published, 08/27/1997.
- A Constitutional Amendment Protecting the Rights of Crime Victims: Testimony before the S. Judiciary Comm. (Apr. 16, 1997) (Washington, D.C.). Published, 04/16/1997.
- Paul G. Cassell, Balanced Approaches to the False Confession Problem: A Brief Comment on Ofshe, Leo, and Alschuler, 74 Denver U. L. Rev. 1123 (1997). Published, 01/1997.
- Miranda's' Negligible Effect on law Enforcement: Some Skeptical Observations, 20 Harv. J. L. & Pub. Pol'y 327 (1997). Published, 01/1997.
- The Tale of Victims' Rights, Legal Times, Dec. 23, 1996, at 32 (co-author with Robert F. Hoyt). True Confessions About Miranda's Legacy, Legal Times, July 22, 1996, at 20. Published, 07/22/1996.
- A Bill of Rights for Crime Victims, Wall St. J., Apr. 24, 1996, at A15 (co-author with Steven Twist). Published, 04/24/1996.
- The Victims' Bill of Rights Amendment: Testimony before the S. Judiciary Comm. (Apr. 23, 1996) (Washington, D.C.). Published, 04/23/1996.
- Expert Testimony on the Utah State Constitution and Death qualification of Juries in Capital Cases in State v. Decorso, No. 95-1900991 (Dist. Ct. Utah 1996) (provided expert report). Published, 01/1996.
- Admission of Sexual Assault Counselors during Trials: Testimony before the H. Judiciary Comm. (Utah Feb. 7 & 9, 1996). Published, 01/1996.
- The Cost of the 'Miranda' Mandate: A Lesson in the Dangers of Inflexible, 'Prophylactic' Supreme Court Inventions, 28 Ariz. St. L.J. 299 (1996). Published, 01/1996.
- Police Interrogation in the 1990s: An Empirical Study of the Effects of 'Miranda, (with Bret Hayman) 42 UCLA L. Rev. 839 (1996).
Published, 01/1996. - All Benefits, No Costs: The Grand Illusion of 'Miranda's' Defenders, 90 Nw U. L. Rev. 1084 (1996).
Published, 01/1996. - Miranda's' Social Costs: An Empirical Reassessment, 90 Nw U. L. Rev. 387 (1996).
Published, 01/1996. - The Performance of the Solicitor General's Office in Criminal Cases: Testimony before the S. Judiciary Comm. (Nov. 14, 1995) (Washington, D.C.). Published, 11/14/1995.
- What's Ken Starr Looking For?, Wall St. J., Nov. 1, 1995, at A15. Published, 11/01/1995.
- Reforming the Miranda Rules in Federal Courts: Testimony before the S. Judiciary Comm. (Mar. 7, 1995) (Washington, D.C.). Published, 03/07/1995.
- How Many Criminals Has Miranda Set Free?, Wall St. J., Mar. 1, 1995, at A17. Published, 03/01/1995.
- Amending the Idaho Constitution to Provide for Consistent Interpretation of Search and Seizure Rules: Testimony before the S. Judiciary Comm. (Idaho Feb. 1, 1995) (Boise, Idaho). Published, 02/01/1995.
- True Confessions: Miranda's Hidden Costs, Nat'l Rev., Dec. 25, 1995, at 30 (co-author with Steve Markman). Published, 01/1995.
- Search and Seizure Law in Utah: The Irrelevance of the Antipolygamy Raids, 1995 BYU L. Rev. 1 (1995). Published, 01/1995.
- Amending the Idaho Constitution to Provide for the Rights of Crime Victims: Testimony before the S. Judiciary Comm. (Mar. 2, 1994) (Boise, Idaho). Published, 03/02/1994.
- A Constitutional Declaration of the Rights of Crime Victims: Testimony before the H. State and Local Affairs Comm. (Utah Feb. 24, 1994). Published, 02/24/1994.
- Amending the Idaho Constitution to Provide for the Rights of Crime Victims: Testimony before the H. Judiciary Comm. (Idaho Feb. 12, 1994) (Boise, Idaho). Published, 02/12/1994.
- Requiring the Admission of Evidence Obtained in Lawful Searches: Testimony before the S. Judiciary Comm. (Utah Jan. 24, 1994); before the H. Judiciary Comm. (Utah Feb. 2, 1994). Published, 02/02/1994.
- The Rodney King Trials and the Double Jeopardy Clause: Some Observations on Original Meaning and the ACLU's Schizophrenic Views of the Dual Sovereign Doctrine, 41 UCLA L. Rev. 693 (1994). Published, 01/1994.
- Balancing the Scales of Justice: The Case for the Effects of Utah's Victims' Rights Amendment, 1994 Utah L. Rev. 1373 (1994). Published, 01/1994.
- The Role of the Death Penalty in Protecting the Innocent: Testimony before the Subcomm. on Crime of the H. Judiciary Comm. (Oct. 21, 1993) (Washington, D.C.). Published, 10/21/1993.
- Claims of Innocence in Capital Cases: Testimony before the Subcomm. on Civil and Constitutional Rights of the H. Judiciary Comm. (July 23, 1993) (Washington, D.C.). Published, 07/23/1993.
- Procedures for Raising Claims of Innocence in Capital Cases: Testimony before the S. Judiciary Comm. (Apr. 1, 1993) (Washington, D.C.). Published, 04/01/1993.
- Requiring the Admission of Relevant Evidence in Criminal Proceedings: Testimony before the S. Judiciary Comm. (Utah Feb. 11, 1993); before the S. (Utah Feb. 17, 1993) (Comm. of the Whole); before the H. Judiciary Comm. (Utah Feb. 25, 1993). Published, 02/25/1993.
- The Mysterious Creation of Search and Seizure Exclusionary Rules Under State Constitutions: The Utah Example, 1993 Utah L. Rev. 753 (1993). Published, 01/1993.
- The Supreme Court's Decisions on the Not-so-Peremptory Challenge, Pub. Int. L. Rev. 11 (1992). Published, 01/1992.
- The Possibility of Mistake in Capital Cases: Testimony before the S. Judiciary Comm. (Sept. 28, 1989) (Washington, D.C.). Published, 09/28/1989.
- Protecting the Innocent: A Response to the Bedan-Radelet Study, (with Stephen J. Markman) 41 Stan. L. Rev. 121 (1988). Published, 01/1988.
- Restrictions on Press Coverage of Military Operations: The Right of Access, Grenada, and 'Off the Record' Wars, 73 Geo. L. J. 931 (1985). Published, 01/1985.
- Exemption of International Shipping Conferences from the American Antitrust Laws: An Economic Analysis, 20 New Eng. L. Rev. 1 (1984). Published, 01/1984.
- Note, Establishing Violations of International Law: Yellow Rain and the Chemical and Biological Warfare Agreements, 35 Stan. L. Rev. 259 (1983). Published, 01/1983.
Research Statement
I explore ways of improving America's criminal justice system, including reforms that ensure that crime victims' voices are heard and public safety is enhanced.
Research Keywords
- wrongful convictions
- proactive policiing
- exclusionary rule
- crime victims rights
- Protecting the Privacy of Sexual Assault Counseling Records: State v. F.L., Presentation to the Utah Crime Victims’ Council Annual Conference. Presentation, Presented, 06/07/2023.
- The Content of Victim Impact Statements: Lessons from the164 Victim Impact Statements in the Larry Nassar Case,” Presentation to the Triennial Convention of the World Society of Victimology, (San Sebastian, Spain). Presentation, Presented, 06/07/2023.
- Fighting for Justice for the 737 MAX Crashes Victims’ Families, Keynote Address to the National Crime Victim Law Institute Annual Conference, (Portland, OR). Presentation, Presented, 06/06/2023.
- Crime Victims’ Rights Enforcement, Presentation to the SJQ College of Law Alumni. Presentation, Presented, 05/20/2022.
- Constitutionality of Miranda, Debate Sponsored by the Univ. of Chicago Law School Federalist Society. Presentation, Presented, 02/10/2022.
- Defining “Victim” in the Crime Victims’ Rights Act, Presentation to the National Crime Victim Law Institute’s Annual Conference (Portland, OR). Presentation, Presented, 11/12/2021.
- The Recent Spike in Homicide Rates, Presentation for the SJQ Federalist Society. Presentation, Presented, 09/15/2021.
- National Debate on Victim Impact Statements, Hosted by McGeorge Law School. Presentation, Presented, 04/21/2021.
- Keynote Address for Crime Victims’ Rights Week, Arizona Crime Victims Organizations. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 04/20/2021.
- The “Minneapolis Effect," Presentation for the SJQ Federalist Society. Presentation, Presented, 04/08/2021.
- “The Weldon Angelos Case in Retrospect: Plenary Panel Presentation for the Utah State Bar Mid-Year Convention. Presentation, Presented, 03/26/2021.
- “Explaining the Nation’s Homicide Spikes,” Presentation to the Council on Criminal Justice’s Board of Trustee. Presentation, Presented, 03/17/2021.
- “The ‘Minneapolis Effect’: Hostility Toward Law Enforcement, Police Officer Passivity, and the Rise of Violent Crime,” Presentation for the Heritage Foundation. Presentation, Presented, 03/16/2021.
- National Constitution Center, National Townhall Webcast on Criminal Justice Reform. Presentation, Presented, 03/10/2021.
- “Amending Arizona’s Rules of Criminal Procedure to Protect Crime Victims’ Rights,” Presentation to the Arizona Supreme Court Advisory Committee on Victims’ Rights. Presentation, Presented, 02/19/2021.
- “Proposed Affirmative Consent Legislation,” Presentation to the Utah Juvenile Justice Comm’n. Presentation, Presented, 01/29/2021.
- “Victim Impact Statements in the Larry Nassar Case: New Empirical Research,” Presentation to the Armies of Enablers Conference at the S.J. Quinney College of Law. Presentation, Presented, 01/29/2021.
- “Proposed Affirmative Consent Legislation,” Presentation to the Law Enforcement Legislative Committee. Presentation, Presented, 01/14/2021.
- Heroes or Hairbags? Challenges Facing American Law Enforcement, Panel Presentation for the Heritage Foundation. Panel, Presented, 11/10/2020.
- Lessons Learned about Data Collection on Bail Reform,” Presentation to the Utah Judicial Council’s Subcommittee on Pre-Trial Release . Presentation, Presented, 11/09/2020.
- Improving Scholarly Impact, Panel Presentation to the Rocky Mountain Junior Scholar’s Conference . Panel, Presented, 11/06/2020.
- Proposed Affirmative Consent Legislation, Presentation to the Utah Crime Code Revision Commission . Presentation, Presented, 10/26/2020.
- Dean’s Webinar – Book Review: Missoula: Rape in a College Town by Jon Krakauer . Panel, Presented, 04/29/2020.
- Judicial Independence and Criminal Sentencing, Presentation to the Rhode Island Federal District Conference. Panel, Presented, 10/18/2019.
- Panel Discussions Leader, National Child Sex Abuse Image Attorneys Roundtable, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (Alexandria, VA). Other, Other, 03/23/2019.
- “Updating Idaho’s Victims’ Rights Amendment,” Testimony Before the Idaho Senate State Affairs Comm. (Boise, Idaho). Other, Presented, 03/04/2019.
- “In Defense of Victim Impact Statements … as Part of a Criminal Justice Process,’ Kansas Univ. School of Law(Lawrence, KS). Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 03/01/2019.
- “Prosecution Review Amendments,” Written Testimony Before the Utah House Judiciary Committee. Presentation, Presented, 02/20/2019.
- “Was Miranda Wrong?”, Debate Against Prof. Jeff Fisher, Stanford Law School (Palo Alto, CA). Presentation, Presented, 02/11/2019.
- “Time to Rethink Miranda? A Debate with Professor Guiora for the Utah Judges Annual Training Conference,” (Snowbird, UT. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 09/20/2018.
- Enforcement of Crime Victims’ Rights: The American Experience, World Society of Victimology Triennial Conference, Hong Kong. Presentation, Presented, 06/13/2018.
- Using Civil Remedies to Help Crime Victims, NCVLI Conference, June 8, 2018 Portland, OR. Presentation, Presented, 06/08/2018.
- Federalist Society National Teleforum on Criminal Justice Reform, (live call-in broadcast and podcast). Other, Presented, 04/19/2018.
- Deterrence, Crime Victims and the Death Penalty, 15th Annual Texas Tech Law School Criminal Law Symposium, Lubbock, Texas. Presentation, Presented, 04/13/2018.
- What Caused the 2016 Chicago Homicide Spike?, Illinois Academy of Criminology, Chicago, IL. Presentation, Presented, 04/05/2018.
- Federal Regulation of the Police and the 2016 Chicago Homicide Spike, Symposium at the University of Illinois College of Law on Federal Responses to Police Misconduct, Champaign, IL. Presentation, Presented, 04/04/2018.
- First Amendment on Campus, Hinckley Institute Community Dialog Presentation. Panel, Presented, 02/28/2018.
- What Caused the 2016 Chicago Homicide Spike?, University of Utah College of Law. Presentation, Presented, 02/21/2018.
- Scalia Speaks: The Speeches of Justice Scalia, Commenter on Presentation by Ed Whalen to the Federalist Society. Presentation, Presented, 01/30/2018.
- The Need to Amend Idaho’s Constitution to Better Protect Crime Victims’ Rights, Information presentation to legislative and other policy makers, Boise, Idaho. Presentation, Presented, 12/07/2017.
- Moderator, 34th Annual Jefferson B. Fordham Debate, Affirmative Consent: Does Yes Mean Yes? Other, Presented, 11/07/2017.
- Risks Involved with Wrongful Conviction: Quantifying the Risk, Evaluating the Risk, and Avoiding the Risk, Symposium at Seton Hall Law School, Newark, NJ. Presentation, Presented, 10/28/2017.
- Criminal Law in American Criminal Justice, Presentation to Faculty and Students, Kominsky University Law School, Warsaw, Poland. Presentation, Presented, 10/19/2017.
- Roundtable Discussion on Legal Education with Faculty and Students, Jilin University, Changchun, China. Other, Presented, 09/12/2017.
- The Role of Prosecutors and Crime Victims in American Criminal Procedure, Presentation to Jilin University, Changchun, China. Presentation, Presented, 09/11/2017.
- Crime Victims’ Rights in America, Griffith Criminology Institute, Griffith Univ., Brisbane, Australia. Presentation, Presented, 09/08/2017.
- Keynote Speaker, The Expansion of Crime Victims’ Rights in American Criminal Procedure, National Victims of Crime Conference Program, Brisbane, Australia. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 09/07/2017.
- Participant, U.S. Dept. of Justice National Summit on Crime Reduction and Public Safety, Bethesda, MD. Other, Presented, 06/20/2017.
- Crime Victims’ Rights, Presentation to Bridging the Gap: A Conference on Scholarship and Criminal Justice Reform, Ariz. St. College of Law, Phoenix, AZ. Presentation, Presented, 02/11/2017.
- Miranda’s Harmful Effects on Law Enforcement: A Fifty Year Empirical Perspective, Keynote Opening Address to the Boston Univ. Law School Conference on Miranda, Sept. 30, 2016 (Boston). Presentation, Presented, 09/30/2016.
- Oxford Style Debate on Resolved: That Miranda Should be Overruled, Against Susan Herman, President, ACLU, for the Heritage Foundation, Washington, D.C.). Presentation, Presented, 09/29/2016.
- The Role of Guidelines in Delivering Procedural Justice, (panel participant), National Association of Sentencing Commissions Annual Conference. Presentation, Presented, 08/08/2016.
- Advanced Crime Victims Rights Litigation: A Comparison of the Civilian and Military Systems (co-presenter), NCVLI Conference, Portland, OR. Presentation, Presented, 06/10/2016.
- Don’t Wait in the Wings: Representing a Victim in a Criminal Case, Webinar for the National Alliance of Victims’ Rights Attorneys and Advocates. Presentation, Presented, 05/05/2016.
- Remembering Justice Scalia, Presentation to the Federalist Society at the S.J. Quinney College of Law at the University of Utah (one of four former Scalia clerks). Presentation, Presented, 04/13/2016.
- Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Reform, Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, D.C. Presentation, Presented, 04/08/2016.
- A 50 Year Perspective on Miranda, Symposium on the Miranda Decision, Northern Kentucky University Law School, Highland Heights, KY . Presentation, Presented, 02/26/2016.
- Can We Convict the Guilty While Protecting the Innocent? S.J. Quinney College of Law, University of Utah, SLC, UT. Presentation, Presented, 02/03/2016.
- Miranda v. Arizona: C-SPAN Landmark Cases Series (one of two panelists on 90-minute analysis of the case). Presentation, Presented, 12/14/2015.
- Victims' Rights and Remedies: National Crime Victim Law Institute 14th Annual Crime Victims Lawconference. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 05/2015.
- Fifty Years of Miranda's Harmful Effects on Law Enforcement, Presentation to the S.J. Quinney College of Law Faculty. Presentation, Presented, 04/2015.
- Rationality and Restitution for Child Pornography Victims, Report to the Changbai International Forum on Criminal Law, Jilin University School of Law, Changchun, China. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 10/2014.
- Architecture of a Victims’ Rights Case: How Amy Made It to the Supreme Court, Keynote Address to NCVLI’s 13th Annual Crime Victim Law Conference. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 06/2014.
- The Future of Presidential Pardons and Commutations, Presentation at NYU Law School for the Conference "Mercy in the Criminal Justice System: Clemency and Post-Conviction Strategies. Panel, Presented, 04/2014.
- Paroline v. United States, University of Utah College of Law Federalist Society, SLC, Utah. Other, Presented, 02/14/2014.
- Collecting DNA Evidence from Felony Arrestees, Testimony before the Utah House Law Enforcement Comm., Feb. 10, 2014. Other, Presented, 02/10/2014.
- Arguing Before the Supreme Court for Crime Victims, Presentation at the Ave Maria Law School, Jan. 30, 2014 (Naples, FL). Panel, Presented, 01/30/2014.
- Gideon After Fifty Years, Panelist on American Constitutional Society Program Regarding Right to Counsel, Nov. 25, 2013. Panel, Presented, 11/25/2013.
- Defending Full Restitution for Child Pornography Victims, Presentation to the S.J. Quinney College of Law Faculty (with Professor Michael Teter), Oct. 9, 2013. Other, Presented, 10/08/2013.
- Obtaining Restitution for Child Pornography Victims, Presentation to the National Crime Victims Bar Association, Sept. 10, 2013 (Phoeniz, AZ). Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 09/10/2013.
- Preview of the Supreme Court’s 2013 Term, Presentation to the Constitutional Law Section of the Utah State Bar, Sept. 5, 2013. Panel, Presented, 09/05/2013.
- Child Pornography and Federal Restitution Laws, Presentation to University of Chicago Law School Class on Pornography and Society, May 13, 2013 (Chicago, IL). Presentation, Presented, 05/13/2013.
- Restitution Laws and Litigation: The State of the Nation, Presentation to the Annual Meeting of the National Assoc. of Crime Victim Compensation Boards, April 9, 2013. Presentation, Presented, 04/09/2013.
- Defining 'Victims' of Environmental Crimes, Greenbag Presentation to the Wallace Stegner Center, S.J. Quinney College of Law, Nov. 2012. Presentation, Presented, 11/2012.
- Advocating for Crime Victims, Training for Attorneys and Victim Advocates, Aug. 2012. Presentation, Presented, 08/2012.
- Who is a Victim for Victim's Rights Enforcement, Presentation to NCVLI's 11th Annual Crime Victim Law Conference, Portland, OR, June 2012. Presentation, Presented, 06/2012.
- Advancing Crime Victims' Rights Through Litigation, Webinar Presentation for NCVLI, Aug. 2011. Presentation, Presented, 08/2011.
- Strategic Litigation of Crime Victims' Rights: "Test Cases", Presentation to NCVLI's 10th Annual Crime Victim Law Conference, Portland, OR, June 2011. Presentation, Presented, 06/2011.
- A Public Safety Exception to Miranda for Questioning Terrorism Suspects?, Debate Against Professor Guoira (podcast by the Federalist Society, followup debate on March 31, 2011), Salt Lake City, UT, Feb. 2011. Presentation, Presented, 03/31/2011.
- The Utah Exclusionary Rule: No Foundation in the Utah Constitution?, Debate Before the Criminal Law Section of the Utah Bar, Salt Lake City, UT, Feb. 2011. Presentation, Presented, 02/2011.
- Some Skeptical Observations About Innocence Procedures, Presentation to the Univ. of Utah College of Law Faculty, Salt Lake City, UT, Jan. 2011. Presentation, Presented, 01/2011.
- Innocence Procedures: Some Questions, Concerns, and Alternative Proposals, Symposium Presentation at New York Law School, New York, NY, Nov. 2010. Presentation, Presented, 11/2010.
- Arguing and Securing Restitution, Presentation to the 36th Annual National Conference of the National Organization for Victim Assistance, Aug. 2010. Presentation, Presented, 08/2010.
- New Developments in Restitution Law and 'Victims' Rights in Plea Bargains, Presentations to the Annual National Conference of the National Crime Victim Law Institute, Portland, OR, June 2010. Presentation, Presented, 06/2010.
- Expert Witness in the Mock Trial of The Queen v. The United States Death Penalty, Program Sponsored by Amicus in the Emmanuel Centre, London, UK, Mar. 2010. Presentation, Presented, 03/2010.
- The U.S. Supreme Court at Mid-Term, Conference at Stanford Law School, Palo Alto, CA, Feb.2010. Presentation, Presented, 02/2010.
- Strategic Crime Victims Litigation, Presentation to the 8th Annual National Conference of the National Crime Victim's Law Institution, Portland, OR, July 2009. Presentation, Presented, 07/2009.
- A Look Back at the Year in Federal Victim's Rights Law, Keynote Address to the 8th Annual National Conference of the National Crime Victim's Law Institute, June 30, 2009 (Portland, OR). Presentation, Presented, 06/30/2009.
- Enforcing Crime Victims' Rights, Presentation to the Utah Council on Victims of Crime, Annual Crime Victims Conference, Apr. 29, 2009 (Salt Lake City, UT). Presentation, Presented, 04/29/2009.
- The Crime Victims' Rights Movement: A Look Backward, A Look Forward, Keynote Address for the 2009 National Crime Victims' Rights Week Commemoration Ceremony Sponsored by the Oregon Department of Justice, Apr. 28, 2009 (Portland, OR). Presentation, Presented, 04/28/2009.
- Crime Victims' Rights: Emerging Issues in Federal and Oregon Courts, CLE Program for the National Crime Victim's Law Institute, Portland, OR, April 2009. Presentation, Presented, 04/2009.
- Important Principles of Crime Victims' Rights Law, Training Session for Victims' Rights Advocates Sponsored by the U.S. Dept. of Justice Office for Victims of Crime, Oct. 30, 2008 (Charleston, SC). Presentation, Presented, 10/30/2008.
- A Proposed Amendment Allowing Videotaping as a Substitute for Miranda Procedures, Presentation to the Utah Rules of Criminal Procedure Advisory Comm., Oct. 27, 2008 (Salt Lake City, UT). Presentation, Presented, 10/27/2008.
- The Legal Legacy of the Bush Administration, Presentation to the College of William and Mary School of Law, Institute of Bill of Rights Law Annual Preview, Sept. 27, 2008 (Williamsburg, VA). Presentation, Presented, 09/27/2008.
- The Crime Victims' Rights Amendment, Presentation to the Federal Judicial Conference's Annual Sentencing Institute, June 25, 2008 (Long Beach, CA). Presentation, Presented, 06/25/2008.
- Crime Victims' Rights: The View from Behind the Bench and In Front of the Bench, Keynote Address to the 7th Annual National Conference of the National Crime Victim Law Institute, May 31, 2008 (Portland, OR). Presentation, Presented, 05/31/2008.
- Emerging Issues in Crime Victims' Law, Remarks to the National District Attorney's Training Conference, Apr. 21, 2008 (Chicago, IL). Presentation, Presented, 04/21/2008.
- In Defense of Victim Impact Statements, The Nineteenth Annual Walter C. Reckless-Simon Dinitz Memorial Lecture, Ohio State University, Apr. 7, 2008 (Columbus, OH). Presentation, Presented, 04/07/2008.
- A New Initiative to Protect Victims' Rights in California, Presentation at Stanford Law School, Jan. 25, 2008 (Palo Alto, CA). Presentation, Presented, 01/25/2008.
- The Need to Amend Utah's Exclusionary Rule, Presentation to the Constitutional Revision Commission, Nov. 15, 2007 (Salt Lake City, UT). Presentation, Presented, 11/15/2007.
- Mandatory Minimums and the Crack/Powder Sentencing Disparity, Presentation at Stanford Law School, Sept. 6, 2007 (Palo Alto, CA). Presentation, Presented, 09/06/2007.
- American Sentencing Guidelines in Operation and Practice, Presentation to the State Duma Committee on Constitutional Legislation, Oct. 13, 2005 (Moscow, Russia). Presentation, Presented, 10/13/2005.
- The Role of International Law in American Legal Decisions, Presentation of the University of Utah International Law Society, Sept. 9, 2005 (Salt Lake City, UT). Presentation, Presented, 09/09/2005.
- The Effects of Booker on Federal Sentencing, Panel Discussion for the 2005 National Sentencing Policy Institute, July 11, 2005 (Washington, D.C.). Presentation, Presented, 07/11/2005.
- Recognizing Victims in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, Speech to the Annual Training Conference of the National Crime Victims Law Institute, June 17, 2005 (Portland, OR). Presentation, Presented, 06/17/2005.
- Sentencing After Booker, Panel Presentation for the Sentencing Commission's Annual Conference on Sentence, May 26, 2005 (San Francisco, CA). Presentation, Presented, 05/26/2005.
- Separation of Powers and the American Judicial System, Presentation to the Kharkiv National Law Academy, Mar. 30, 2005 (Kharkiv, Ukraine). Presentation, Presented, 03/30/2005.
- The Victim's Right to Attend Trials: The Re-Emerging National Consensus, Lewis and Clark Law Review Symposium, Mar. 11, 2005 (Portland, OR). Presentation, Presented, 03/11/2005.
- The Sentencing Guidelines After Booker, Presentation to the ABA's Annual White Collar Crime Convention, Mar. 3, 2005 (Las Vegas, NV). Presentation, Presented, 03/03/2005.
- The Effects of Booker v. United States, Presentation to the ABA National Convention, Criminal Justice Section, Feb. 11, 2005 (Salt Lake City, UT). Presentation, Presented, 02/11/2005.
- The Effects of Blakely V. Washington, Presentation to the Federal Judiciary Center's National Workshop for District Judges, Sept. 20, 2004 (Seattle, WA). Presentation, Presented, 09/20/2004.
- Blakely v Washington, Presentation to the University of New Mexico School of Law Federalist Society, Sept. 10, 2004 (Albuquerque, NM). Presentation, Presented, 09/10/2004.
- Downward Departures after the PROTECT Act, Presentation to the Annual National Seminar on the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, May 20, 2004 (Miami, FL). Presentation, Presented, 05/20/2004.
- Federal Sentencing Practices, Stanford Law Review Symposium, Feb. 20, 2004 (Palo Alto, CA). Presentation, Presented, 02/20/2004.
- Discussion on the U.S. Supreme Court by Justices Antonin Scalia and Stephen Breyer, Moderator, Tenth Circuit Judicial Conference, Sept. 5, 2003 (Jackson, WY). Presentation, Presented, 09/05/2003.
- The Death Penalty, 2001 Oxford-Annenberg Debate, City University of New York, June 14, 2001, (New York, NY). Presentation, Presented, 06/14/2001.
U.S. v. Clinesmith, No. 1:20-cr-165 (D.D.C. Dec. 16, 2020) (filed amicus brief on behalf of the National Crime Victims Law Institute in support of a finding "victim" status for Carter Page in "Crossfire Hurrican" prosecution).
In re Courtney Wild, 19-13843 (11th Cir. Dec. 4, 2020) (argued en banc before the Court in support of petition for rehearing en banc).
L.L. and State v. Lopez, 2020 UT 61 (argued and briefed issue of whether victims must testify in person at preliminary hearings).