Current Courses

Fall 2024

  • PHARM 5841-001
    Prof Dev Sem P1 Fall
    Location: TBA (TBA)
  • PHARM 6841-001
    Prof Dev Sem P2 Fall
  • PHARM 7355-001
    Integ Pharmaco Thera 3
    Location: EHSEB 4100B (EHSEB 4100B)
  • PHARM 7708-002
    Acute Care Inf disease
  • PHARM 7841-001
    Prof Dev Sem P3 Fall
  • PHARM 7843-001
    Pro Dev Sem P4 Fall
    Location: TBA (TBA)

Summer 2024

Spring 2024

Teaching Philosophy

My philosophical approach to teaching pharmacy students is to provide a model of caring, empathy and compassion so that when the students are involved in patient-related situations, they will be able to model this caring attitude.  I strive to teach the pharmacotherapy of antibiotics, and the use of medications in our geriatric population with practical application so that the students will use this knowledge to effectively identify, research and solve patient-related pharmacotherapy issues.  My approach to pharmacy is heavily interdisciplinary and interprofessional so that the pharmacy students can realistically "see" the important contributions of pharmacy to patient care within the team spirit.

Courses I Teach

  • FPMD 6031 - Therapeutics in Primary Care I (Utah P.A. Program)
    Pharmacotherapeutic applications of drugs in acute care and ambulatory care patient situations
  • FPMD 6032 - Therapeutics in Primary Care II (UPAP Program)
    Pharmacotherapy applications of drugs in acute care and ambulatory care patient situations
  • FPMD 6033 - Therapeutics in Primary Care III (UPAP Program)
    Pharmacotherapy applications of drugs in acute care and ambulatory care patient situations
  • N6050 - Pharmacology for Primary Care
    Antiinfective overview for Masters Nurse Practitioner Program with emphasis on Pharmacotherapy, Pharmacokinetics and monitoring of drug therapy
  • None - PGY-1 residency Infectious Diseases Clerkship
    Infectious Diseases Residency clerkship for VA pharmacy residents (assigned through VA) to provide practical antibiotic applications with an interdisciplinary team in an acute care setting
  • PCTH 7515 - Infectious Diseases Clerkship
    Sub-specialty elective clerkship to provide the pharmacy student with antibiotic applications at the patient's bedside within an interdisciplinary and interprofessional team setting