• Co-Founder, LiveWire Innovation
  • Distinguished Professor, Elect & Computer Engineering

Current Courses

Fall 2024

  • ECE 1030-001
    Your Smartphone
    Location: FASB 250 (FASB 250)
  • ECE 1030-002
    Your Smartphone
    Location: CANVAS (CANVAS)
  • ECE 1050-001
    Matlab for ECE Design
    Location: MEB 2555 (MEB 2555)
  • ECE 1050-002
    Matlab for ECE Design
    Location: MEB 2555 (MEB 2555)
  • ECE 1050-003
    Matlab for ECE Design
    Location: MEB 2555 (MEB 2555)
  • ECE 1050-004
    Matlab for ECE Design
    Location: MEB 2267 (MEB 2267)
  • ECE 1050-005
    Matlab for ECE Design
    Location: MEB 2267 (MEB 2267)
  • ECE 1240-001
    Circuits&Systems: Intro
    Location: WEB L103 (WEB L103)
  • ECE 1240-002
    Circuits&Systems: Intro
    Location: CANVAS (CANVAS)
  • ECE 1245-001
    Circuits&Sys Lab: Intro
    Location: MEB 2555 (MEB 2555)
  • ECE 1245-002
    Circuits&Sys Lab: Intro
    Location: MEB 2555 (MEB 2555)
  • ECE 1245-003
    Circuits&Sys Lab: Intro
    Location: MEB 2555 (MEB 2555)
  • ECE 1245-004
    Circuits&Sys Lab: Intro
    Location: MEB 2267 (MEB 2267)
  • ECE 1245-005
    Circuits&Sys Lab: Intro
    Location: MEB 2267 (MEB 2267)
  • ECE 6950-007
    Special Study-MS
  • ECE 6960-091
    Special Topics
    Location: ONLN (Online)
  • ECE 7950-008
    Special Studies Ph D
  • MSE 1030-001
    Your Smartphone
    Location: FASB 250 (FASB 250)

Summer 2024

Spring 2024

Entrepreneurial Experience

  • LiveWire Innovation. 05/2000 - present. Employees: 10.
    Comments: Founding member and chairman of the board. http://livewireinnovation.com/
  • Why a Scientist Might Sell Her Soul in Corporate America. 01/2012 - present. Employees: 0.
    Comments: http://www.ece.utah.edu/~cfurse/Publications/why%20a%20scientist%20might%20sell%20her%20soul.pdf

Professional Organizations

  • National Academy of Inventors. 03/2015 - present. Position : Fellow.
  • American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). 01/2002 - present. Position : Member.
  • Society of Women Engineers. 01/1998 - present. Position : Senior Member.
  • IEEE -- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. 08/1985 - present. Position : Fellow.

Teaching Philosophy

I love teaching.  I enjoy working with students, all students -- undergrads, grad students, high school students, faculty -- as we explore new ideas and new ways of doing things.

I teach 'Flipped', which means students watch my YouTube video lectures before class, so we can use the class time for active learning, problem solving strategy, and real world applications.  Here is a website for faculty who are interested in Flipping their classes: Teach-Flip.utah.eduFor more details and information on my experiences with the flipped class, go to Pages - View All Pages -- Dr. Furse's Flipped Classes.

I think it is very important for engineering students to get to build things, and we have created a wide variety of systems-level design labs for our students: UofU System-Level Design Curriculum

Finally, here is my Lazy Professor's Guide to Teaching.

Teaching is just plain a lot of fun.  I really enjoy my students. 




Here is a Smith Chart Quilt I made several years ago, that all of my graduate students and senior project students sign when they are finished with their projects.


Courses I Teach

  • ECE1240 / 1245 / 1050 (previously 1250) - Introduction to Electrical & Computer Engineering   (https://utah.instructure.com/courses/719613)
    System design using electrical and computer engineering concepts. Basic concepts of electrical circuit design, sensors, signal processing, communications, control and embedded system programming are used to design sensor/actuator systems to accomplish engineering design tasks. Topics also include Matlab programming and laboratory instrumentation. Link to Flipped Lecture portion of the class (ECE1240): https://utah.instructure.com/courses/719613 Link to labs (ECE1245): https://utah.instructure.com/courses/713600 Link to Matlab content of the course (ECE 1050): https://utah.instructure.com/courses/721154
  • ECE1250 - ECE 1250 Labs: National Instruments Webinar   (http://www.ni.com/gate/gb/GB_WEBCASTACADSERIES8/US)
    This is a webinar about ECE1250 Labs and the Flipped Classroom. About 15 minutes long.
  • ECE 3300 - Introduction to Electromagnetics   (https://utah.instructure.com/courses/578994)
    Brief introduction to vector calculus, definition of electric and magnetic fields. Maxwells equations in integral and differential forms, electromagnetic-wave propagation in free space and in material regions, Poynting theorem, and electromagnetic power. Transmission lines (transient and steady-state analysis), Smith chart, and impedance matching techniques. Basic principles of radiation and propagation in waveguides.(I no longer teach this course but provide this link to my lecture notes.)
  • ECE 5320/6320 - Microwave Engineering I   (http://www.eng.utah.edu/~cfurse/ece5320/)
    Brief review of transmission line theory and Smith Chart, general theory of waveguides, TE, TM, TEM modes, some commonly used waveguides and transmission lines including microstripline and its variations for microwave integrated circuits, matching techniques including conjugate matching, passive components, scattering matrices and signal-flow graphs, ABCD parameters, directional couplers and hybrids, power dividers and combiners, signal-flow graphs for microwave amplifiers, microwave resonators and filters including design considerations, filter design by image parameter method, constant-k and m-derived filters, maximally flat and equal-ripple filters, coupled-line filters, ferrite components. Biweekly laboratory assignments to design, fabricate, and test microstrip circuits: e.g., low and band-pass filters, coupled-line filters, directional couplers, etc., using professional-level computer sofware and network analyzers.(I no longer teach this course but provide this link to my lecture notes.)
  • ECE5325/6325 - Wireless Communication   (http://www.ece.utah.edu/~ece5960/)
    Introduction to wireless transmission systems. This course will emphasize how individual parameters affect overall system design and performance. Topics include: basic cellular systems and parameters, multi-path channels and modulation techniques. (I no longer teach this course but provide this link to my lecture notes.)
  • ECE 5340/6340 - Numerical Electromagnetics   (http://www.eng.utah.edu/~cfurse/ece6340/)
    Meets with ECE 6340. Review of basic numerical techniques including matrix methods and numerical methods for error minimization and convergence. Comparison of differential and integral formulations including finite difference, finite element, and moment methods. Emphasis on frequency domain method of moments and time domain finite difference (FDTD). (I no longer teach this class, but provide my lecture notes here.)

Student Projects

  • PV SSTDR: Locating faults on photovoltaic systems live, in real time using spread spectrum time domain reflectometry (SSTDR). Evan Benoit, Nick Odysseus, Mike Allred, Miao Yu, Hunter Ellis, Jon Davies, Joe LaCombe, Mashad Saleh, Naveen Kumar, Sam Kingston. 07/2017 - 07/2020
  • Lens Into the Body: Designing 3D implantable antennas that can focus power on very small, next generation implantable medical devices. Kaitlin Hall, Zach Deneris, Rick Puckett, Hossein Mehrpourbernety, Jordan Gardner, Eric Lindstrom, Eldon Pe'a, Dylan Zdunich. 07/2017 - 12/31/2018

Additional Teaching Resources

UofU Electromagnetics Advising (What courses should I take?)

UofU System-Level Design Curriculum (Our cool labs!)

Dr. Furse's Tutorials

Teaching with the Flipped Classroom (MOOC + Self-Serve Resources for faculty who want to learn to flip their classes)

(See Pages -- Dr. Furse's Flipped Classroom for more information about my experiences with the flipped classroom)

Lazy Professor's Guide to Teaching

Former Students