Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Professor, Metallurgical Engineering
Professional Service
- ASM International.
Role: Selecting Gold Medal Winner.
Member, ASM Gold Medal Award Committee.
01/01/2020 - 02/16/2022
- Materials Science and Technology.
Role: Organizer and Chair.
Symposium on Advanced Manufacturing of Titanium.
01/06/2013 - 12/31/2014
- Metallurgical and Materials Transactions Journal.
Key Reader and Reviewer.
01/2012 - present
- TMS/ASM Composite Materials Committee.
02/2011 - present
- The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society.
Role: member.
Titanium Committee.
03/2008 - present
- The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society.
Role: Member.
Mechanical Behaivor Committee .
09/1999 - present
Honors & Awards
- Elected to serve as Chair of ASM Gold Medal Committee. This is the top award committee in all of ASM.
American Society for Materials International,
- Outstanding Researcher Award.
Department of Metallurgical Engineering,
- Honored in Showcase of Extraordinary Faculty Achievements.
University of Utah,
- Outstanding Teaching Award.
Metallurgical Engineering, University of Utah,
- Champion H. Mathewson Award, for notable contribution to Metallurgical Science .
The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society ,
- Stoel Rives Utah Innovation Award Finalist .
Stoel Rives Inc.,
- Outstanding Conference Chair Citation.
United Engineering Foundation, NY,
- Outstanding Teaching Award.
Metallurgical Engineering, University of Utah,
- U.S. Air Force Citation for Exemplary Research.
Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright Patterson AFB, OH,
- NRC Research Fellowship Award .
National Research Council, U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC,
- A. K. Bose Gold Medal for Nationally Best M. Eng Thesis .
Indian Institute of Metals,
- A. A. Krishnan Medal for best M. Eng. Thesis.
Indian Institute of Science,
- K. P. Abraham Medal for highest GPA in M Eng Class.
Indian Institute of Science,
- Second Prize for B. Eng. Thesis.
Directorate of Technical Education, Tamil Nadu,
Internal Service
- MSE Faculty Search Committee.
07/01/2023 - present.
Department service.
- MSE Curriculum Committee.
07/01/2022 - present.
Department service.
- TMS Awards Committee.
07/01/2017 - 04/20/2022.
Other service.
- Senate Representative for CMES.
08/01/2016 - 07/31/2019.
University service.
- Faculty Search Committee.
02/01/2016 - 06/30/2017.
Department service.
- Member, College Council.
09/2012 - present.
College service.
- Undergraduate Student Advisor.
08/2012 - 08/2014.
Department service.
- Deparment of Materials Science and Engieering.
Program Review Committee Member,
01/2011 - 05/2011.
University service.
- RPT Committee Chair.
06/2010 - 12/2014.
Department service.
- University Promotion & Tenure Advisory Committee.
01/2007 - 01/2010.
University service.
- Graduate Admissions committee.
01/1999 - 02/20/2019.
Department service.
- Co-ordinator of Metallurgy Characterization Facility.
07/1997 - present.
Department service.
- Annual laboratory demonstrations of Mechanical Testing Research to visiting high school students during departmental recruitment drive.
01/2006 - present
- Annual Science Day Outreach presentation on Biomedical Applications of Metals to high school students.
01/2006 - present