MUKTA JOSHI portrait
  • Assistant Professor (Lecturer), Health and Kinesiology


  • Bachelor of Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Pune University
  • Master of Science, Biomedical Engineering, Marquette University. Project: Measuring Spastic Co-contraction in Individuals with Hemiparetic Stroke
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Health Sciences, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. Project: Dexterous Manipulation Capabilities are Are associated with Change in Discharge rate PRoperties of Motor Neurons with Age


I am originally from India. I moved to the US to pursue my masters in Biomedical Engineering at Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI. An interest in signal processing led me to explore physiological signals and introduced me to research in movement analysis. Upon completion of my masters, I worked as a lab manager in the Neuromechanics lab at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee assisting with several research projects studying the biomechanics of injuries.

I completed my PhD in Health Sciences from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. My research involved examining dexterity in healthy young and older adults. Specifically, I studied the neuromuscular mechanisms responsible for change in hand function with age.

As an Assistant Professor (Lecturer), in Health and Kinesiology at the University of Utah, I teach undergraduate Biomechanics, Motor Behavior, Motor Development and Kinesiology.

Outside of work, I enjoy cooking and exploring trails with my family.