Research Summary
Research design and statistical analysis. Data visualization, and presentation.
- BS, Engineering, Montana State University
- MS, Counseling, University of Maine
- PhD, Psychology, University of Utah
Currently, I am the Co-Director of Research with UCEER (Utah Center of Excellence for ELSI Research).
My main interest is the application of sound research practice across a variety of fields. Some of the skills and knowledge I apply include; study design, data collection systems, and quantitative statistical analysis. In 2009, I helped introduce REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) a software toolset and workflow methodology for electronic collection and management of research and clinical trial data to the University of Utah. I participate regularly with other REDCap consortium members (over 2000 international sites) to further develop and enhance the software.
Fields of study that I am presently involved in include: Screening, and biobanking, Ethical Legal Societal Issues in genetics, gaming technology, communication of health information, electronic informed consent, and data visualization.
You can often find me hiking the wonderful trails of the Wasatch Mountains, or playing my guitars.