ROY D BLOEBAUM, PH.D. portrait
  • Research Professor Emeritus, Orthopaedic Surgery Operations
801-582-1565, Ext. 4607


  • A.A., Liberal Arts (Magna Cum Laude), St. Mary’s College, O'Fallon, Missouri
  • B.S., Biology (Cum Laude), Lindenwood University, St. Charles, Missouri
  • B.Sc., Anatomy Honors (First Class), University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia
  • Ph.D., Anatomy, University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia


Dr. Bloebaum is a Research Professor of Orthopaedics, Bioengineering and Biology, and also a recipient of the Albert and Margaret Hofmann Chair in Orthopaedic Research. He is an internationally recognized expert in bone healing and total joint replacement and a senior VA Research Career Scientist and Co-Director of the VA Bone and Joint Research Lab, which is a collaborative research program with the VA SLC HCS. Dr. Bloebaum's publications include over 126 peer reviewed manuscripts on bone biomaterials and total joint replacement related topics. He received his doctorate, as a Rotary International Scholar, from the University of Western Australia. He served on the faculty at the University of Southern California and Arizona State prior to taking a position at the University of Utah Department of Orthopaedics. Dr. Bloebaum's research interests are biomaterials, total joint replacement, articular cartilage and electron microscopy, including pioneering efforts in backscattered electron imaging. His main interest at this time is developing osseointegrated implants for patients with limb loss. He is a reviewer for NIH and several journals. Dr. Bloebaum has received NIH, VA and DOD funding.